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Everything posted by rebelred

  1. Strange that it slipped through the vetting stage!!!
  2. Hi Lads, I'm wondering if someone could clear something up for me, on the info leaflet that comes with the MM 141 class model loco, it says that IE ordered 27 of the 141 class Locosbut how come the model I have is 177??? That would make at least 36 Locos!!! Anyone clear this up??
  3. rebelred


    A bit of white spirit & transfers of the Loco number that you want from Studio Scale Models & your sorted!!
  4. whoo hoo!!!
  5. Thanks Heirflick, weathering was done by George (Wonderful Weathering) the man is gifted!! I've tried many times to get him to take me on as his apprentice!!
  6. Wow! You win! I'm building up a nice collection of coaching stock aswell,next up will be freight wagons (if I stop buying Loco's as an impulse buy!!) The only Loco's that I said I'll buy in future will be 233 in Enterprise & the much anticipated 121's if they ever come out!!! I'd love to have the space ( & time!) to build kits & a proper layout to run my stock,but at the moment I'm just collecting.some day soon!!!!
  7. Thanks to Wrenneire for 187 which arrived today completing my baby GM collection, think it might need a bit of Georgeconna's magic on the weathering though!!
  8. Hi Richie, I'd be interested in a RTR model definitely, very authentic, well done & hope it's a success! !
  9. Ya might aswell throw 'Liam' in with her aswell to save time!!!! Thanks Dave
  10. :praying:
  11. I'll take 187, I've sent you a PM
  12. Sorry that should be 187, typo error, i wanted to now are they in the 'noughties' livery & logo.
  13. Hi Wrenneire, could you put a picture up of 167 & 184 please?
  14. Loco's Sold, re- invested in 203!!
  15. That is class!!! More pics please!!! Where did you get the trailers that carry the 20/40 foot containers? I've been looking for something like that for ages, great layout!
  16. Join Irish railways past & present on FB & ask someone, if someone there don't have one no one will!
  17. Nice!
  18. Thanks for the link i got a PM off someone who's gonna sort me out & im buying Irish!!
  19. I have 3 Limas since when they first came out & have 3 Murphy Model ones, there is no comparison, Paddys ones beat them hands down for authenticity & detail, The Limas have fallen out of favour with me now, I want to sell them to buy another MM 201, was looking at 203 River Corrib but am trying to figure out why that one is dearer than the other 201 models, anyone know???
  20. Thanks for the compliments/feedback & mental images of womens under carraiges!!! I finished the her today despite two little ones pestering me to help:(( Im happy enough with the paint finish but the windows were a pain in the backside so thanks for the tips on removing the roof windows, The stripes were a pain too as they kept breaking when manovouring & smoothing them out, I only noticed its out of line in one part when I looked at the photo, also, i was one window frame short so had to improvise, im sure ye've spotted it already!! these little things annoy me Thanks again for the kind words
  21. Have you not got enough 201's Riversuir!!!! Paddy should update his website, any news on the 121's???
  22. Apologies, I had those images in order, don't know what happened!!
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