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JasonB last won the day on December 14 2024

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  1. Wishing a Happy Christmas to all members.
  2. Love it. Cracking looking model.
  3. They're probably still in there
  4. Considering we are not far off the end of another year, I thought the time was right to finally draw a line under this thread and put it to bed. Unfortunately, for reasons completely out of my control, my plans for this layout never materialised. I don't normally discuss issues like this publicly, but I feel it's needed to properly explain the absence of any updates since 2020. Let me rewind back to 2019. I had invested in a large shed and now had the space required for a layout of my own. The problem was, I just couldn't find the spare time to tackle the build myself. So, I decided to contact a well known baseboard and layout builder. He called out in September 2019 as promised, and a plan was drawn up. Baseboards and track were to be supplied and fitted, along with the electrics, point motors and control panel. The price quoted was agreed and I gave him the go ahead. I was told to expect delivery sometime in 2020. The impression I was given, was this would be straightforward build. It wasn't. I won't go into the details of what was said across the many conversations that were had between then and 2024, but what I will say is, this period was filled with nothing but broken promises and in my opinion, lies. After numerous delivery dates were missed, I was assured in January of this year that I would have my layout in April. I knew deep down this date would not be met as promised. April came and went, and as expected, nothing. Finally, I was told at the beginning of December that I would not be getting the layout I had ordered four years previously. If I'm honest, it didn't come as a surprise, and in a way I was relieved that the whole sorry mess had at least, come to an end. Our railway community is quite small, and you'd like to think you can trust the individuals operating within it. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. The most annoying part about all of this is, if I had tackled the baseboards myself back in 2020, I'd now have a layout. The last four years have been a complete waste of time. It's very frustrating. The whole experience has had a negative impact on my interest in the hobby, resulting in very little modelling on my part over the last couple of years. I really do hope this isn't the end of this thread. I'd like to to think at some stage I'll get a chance to revisit it. When, I just don't know.
  5. They look the business, Noel. Was fixing the battery pack straight forward?
  6. Drooling has commenced.
  7. Some more recent additions. Ford Sierra Sapphire Vauxhall Cavalier Renault 4 Ford Fiesta Mk1 Audi Quattro Land Rover Discovery Vauxhall Cavalier BMW M3 Coupe
  8. Cheers, Phil. I'm happy enough with how they turned out. You done a great job on them. They look fantastic and are so easy to work with. They really do take the loads to the next level. I'd highly recommend them to anybody considering ordering them.
  9. After reading @murphaph's recent post regarding a rerun of his fert transfers, it reminded me that the five sheets I bought from him last year, were still tucked away in a drawer upstairs. So, I thought it was about time I dug them out and gave them a try. As you can see below, they are designed to cover the top of the loads when applied. It got me thinking, how the load would look if fully wrapped. For example, if they were to be used on a yard scene. Here's how they turned out.
  10. I like the name!
  11. Yep, rings a bell.
  12. The Junction is busy, as always!
  13. Lovely stuff. That's an interesting mix of projects on the go there.
  14. Phil, reading this has just reminded me, I still have the 5 sheets I bought from you last year, tucked away in drawer. I really must dig them out, and get going on my fertiliser loads.
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