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The Derry Road

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The Derry Road last won the day on August 3 2021

The Derry Road had the most liked content!

1 Follower


  • Biography
    Modelling in Irish railways for many years


  • Interests
    all aspects of irish railways north and south, oil painting, kit building and DIY


  • Occupation
    Plumber (Retired)

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  1. Excellent work Patrick well done TDR
  2. Hi everyone one NI ambulance and two RUC landrovers fitted with blue flashing lights, almost ready to fit on the layout by the pub fight scene VID_20240822_154104816.mp4 VID_20240822_154143792.mp4
  3. Hi All, anyone using liquid poly for joining plasticard, reserve a small amount in a small jar with lid, add plastic scraps and cut up waste pieces and add to liquid poly leave overnight then stir when required, makes liquid plastic to fill any gaps in plastic kits/joints. TDR
  4. Great find Noel to complete the rake TDR
  5. Another great exhibition, enjoyed meeting up with Noel, Fran, Kieran, Andy, Jim and George, looking forward now to NEC in April 2024. TDR
  6. Yep I'll be there on Saturday, leaving early tomorrow morning TDR
  7. Roads and Rails have posted on Facebook, check it out, a replacement for Warley it seems. TDR
  8. Its a smaller version of Warley, good show too TDR
  9. Fully agree Noel, I;ve been going to Warley for the past twenty years, maybe see you at Glasgow or Model world Live if your attending
  10. Saddened to hear Hattons are closing down. I've dealt with them since 1978 when I bought my first point and electric point motor from them and had many, many orders since, they'll be missed. TDR
  11. Thank you Thank you Thanks Noel
  12. Hi everyone, Carrying on from the last update, I've now completed phase 2. Textures/rapids, applied to the river and the bottom of the waterfall, although white this will dry clear and be picked out later by dry brushing , some pics attached. enjoy TDR
  13. Thanks to everyone whom responded to my latest post, its very encouraging. TDR
  14. Hi everyone, just a quick update on the layout. I have been putting this on the back burner for a while and finally picked up the nerve to give it a go, having watched several videos, this is the results so far. There is still lots to do to the river and the waterfalls to achieve the finish i'm after. The pictures show the last two days attempts thus far. Enjoy TDR
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