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Everything posted by roxyguy

  1. Cheap bit of moulding makes for a ready made storage shelf or elevated railway even?? Happy Days.
  2. No wall paper in my gaffe. Broithe I actually quite like that one you have. A lot of this patterned wallpaper is making a comeback. Hipsters and the like really dig it. I have childhood nightmare of scraping the old paper off the walls for days on end.
  3. All that's missing is a nice lady with an afro.
  4. Sorry, your wallpaper is very lovely and in great nick for it's vintage. I grew up in a house where every single room was papered and suitably have a wallpaper phobia ever since.
  5. Ah yeah, It's each to his own. The early silver with green and white can look very sharp. For me the supertrain of the 1970's reminds me of terrible 1970's wallpaper - you know the type.
  6. Oh yes, forgot about that. I'm not too keen on that livery, maybe that's why.
  7. Glad to help. Looking forward to seeing the results:) I have some Mk2's myself that were sprayed into the intercity silver and green livery.
  8. A 201 in early silver with a snail pulling a rake of MK3's in green with white lining and snails would look savage I reckon. If Aer Lingus can do a retro livery why not IE.
  9. Bit of progress on the loco. Need a new phone with a better camera.
  10. Thank's for sharing that. Never seen it. Would be a great project for someone.
  11. I would say this one. It says suitable for all G type motors. Also the review is from someone who remotored a class 55. Diesels trains motor for the class 201 was also suitable for a class 55. So it's a good guess it will work. https://www.freewebstore.org/susumotor/Sm-Lima_slim/p2469823_14467051.aspx
  12. No bother. Just bought one, worth a shot, only a few euros.
  13. This guy seems to selling them - German. Very cheap too! https://www.freewebstore.org/Susumotor I've bought ones like this before. I'll probably get one of these myself as i can't find anybody else either
  14. I contacted Diesel Trains during the week about a 201 motor but they never got back to me. The item was out of stock. I wonder are they still operational?? I know re-motoring Lima's is probably a bit old hat at this stage but it worked well in some of locos I re-motored and was a cheap way to revive an old DC train.
  15. Beautiful decals from weshty, very impressed with these. Hope to make some progress over the weekend.
  16. Cheers, will do. I have a silver spray that looks close enough. I am just going to eyeball the blue against the pictures in Model Rail - he had to darken an existing BR blue. Off to the motor shop I reckon.
  17. Old Lima 201 that has been hanging around like a bad smell for years. I bought it and it was hand weathered with brown enamel - I don't feel too bad about stripping and respraying. (Dave look away) Plan is to re-motor and give it the Belmond treatment. MK3's and decals are on the way also. Inspiration from this month's model rail.
  18. A line has been dropped Weshty. Cheers
  19. Just picked up a copy of that. The colour scheme is so simple even a mug like me could manage it. A full rake would look savage I reckon. Any idea on where to get the decal?? Anyone?
  20. Brilliant. Reminds me of this.
  21. Forgot about this
  22. Ah don't leave us Dat-sun.
  23. Terrible Carina-on altogether!
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