Foyle Valley Railway in Derry unused since July 2000 is another example of where a temporary closure by Council.experts ensured that the former railway remains today subject to various expensive feasibility schemes that are usually mad!
That would be the plan for 201s plus the ICRs and possibly the 29000 but need to check the latter to confirm
July 5th last day for DDs using Lanyon before line closure to Lisburn
DDs are planned from a soft opening on August 25th
ICRs on diagram starting with first train from Dublin
CAFs will only appear if there is another Enterprise failure!
DD sets reduced to two not three for planned maintenance programme at York Road. Translink have pencilled in August 25th for Enterprise to start from GVS Mk2!
At one stage yesterday you had the failed DD set in.platform 2 with the 11.20 from Dublin in platform 1. The replacement Caf was in platform 1. Chaos staff blaming work at GvS for our one hour delay
Within weeks of construction new retaining walls at the new Hub were covered in what they call urban art! Good advert for the Security firm on site with their proud claims of providing security 24/7!