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Everything posted by airfixfan

  1. Yes indeed
  2. For sale the Fintona Tram Horse only one owner!
  3. Last train from Dublin will be the last DD set with passengers into Lanyon tonight
  4. Would be ideal for the NCC NG lines from Larne?
  5. Well it is myself book is 14 Euros from Donegal Railway Heritage Museum. All monies raised support our small Myseun.
  6. Tuesfay July 2nd last day of Enterprise to and from Lanyon
  7. Awaiting confirmation tomorrow
  8. Will check that and get back to you
  9. Two weeks left for Enterprise to and from Lanyon Place
  10. Linenhall Library sell that Downhill.poster
  11. JHB looks like loco acting as a station pilot to release stock?
  12. Should be Wednesday July 3rd so to clarify Tuesday 2nd will be the last day for trains to and from Belfast!
  13. Been brought forward last week
  14. 29000 only if a failure of no ICR available. July 3rd last date for Enterprise from Lanyon
  15. Translink to close Belfast to Lsburn from July 3rd. Last day for Enterprise from Lanyon.
  16. Most of the 3000 class when refurbished are now fitted with USB sockets Too early yet
  17. 3001 to 3006 are the only NIR railcars allowed on the Dublin Line
  18. Was told needs 5 sets DDs 3 ICR 1 CAFs 1
  19. Any deadlines set yet by BNM for purchase of surplus rolling stock?
  20. From memory when restored 5T got a new boiler from the Severn Valley?
  21. Lack of standard departure time ex Belfast is an ecumenical matter!
  22. Fintown struggles on running again from the start of June. Foyle Valley in Derry is another lost cause thanks to local councillors who have not got a clue about railways. Fintown is community run and has nothing to do with Donegal CC
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