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Everything posted by airfixfan

  1. First time I have seen a tin van at Strabane. Keep me posted on the new slides!
  2. Yes complete closure from Belfast to Lisburn during school holidays
  3. We shall see what happens for most of July and August Enterprise only going as far as Portadown
  4. Bus subs on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 May as well. Planned from July 5th until August 27th to run Enterprisr as far as Portadown only with bus subs to and from Newry for Belfast
  5. Last week of rail services to Great Victoria Street. Last train 23.32 next Friday 10th
  6. Yes check Translink amended timetables
  7. Neil was aged 93 when he passed
  8. Erne as Drumboe had a few more dents by this stage
  9. Know of one group in talks to buy some stock from Bord Na Mona
  10. After GVS closes on May 10th the Enterprise from May 13th until July 6th with have just 2 DDs sets in service in that period.
  11. You mean the 2-4-4T?
  12. Return of the ICRs will help punctuality
  13. On Monday got the 11.20 ex Dublin blocked by a DART looped at Congiffin first time I have seen this done. How unusual is this?
  14. Involved with the Donegal Railway Heritage Centre. We are open 6 days a week during the winter months and visitors can be scarce. Without support from Pobal we could not survive as a tourist attraction.
  15. Think spark narrestor on 131 still there
  16. Many years ago did the 08.00 from Belfast in under 2 hours with 191 replacing the failed NIR 071!
  17. On that train it was bad reporting and 131 was in top form
  18. Enjoy Wales waiting in Dublin in the sun for 131 to Rosslare today
  19. Translink confirmed today as predicted. GVS closes May 10th and all Dublin/Portadown trains will serve Lanyon. Lisburn to Belfast complete closure July/August with Enterprise bus subs for Belfast using Newry. October 7th new Hub opens for hourly Enterprise for Dublin.
  20. Costs have increased from an initial 200M£ to about 345M£ in just a few years.
  21. GVS closed from May 10th and new Hub opens on October 7th for hourly Enterprise
  22. Graham Norton was in that episode as well
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