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Everything posted by airfixfan

  1. What a pity Erne was scrapped as it was painted in Swilly green
  2. Have a photo of Phoenix in original condition
  3. Had 181 one day on the 08.00 ex Belfast express to Connolly
  4. Mk 2s not operational main line since 2023
  5. Have a photo of 10 in colour somewhere in my collection!
  6. Three 4-6-2Ts left in 1953. Nos 8, 10 and 15. All of different designs!
  7. Child Protection issues from a schools account?
  8. Correct only the Swilly had 4-6-2Ts. Eight in total! 4 pairs of different designs 2! Only the Couny Donegal had 2-6-4Ts eight in total from 2 different designs and 4 in total are preserved!
  9. One journey took 5 hours not 2. Safer to get the bus now
  10. You are lucky Every time since October every Enterprise trip I have made has seen a failure or a delay of some sort
  11. Last trains were February 14 1965. Doing a talk about this and my Strabane book launch in Donegal Heritage Railway Museum next Sunday
  12. airfixfan

    Blue GMs

  13. We have some timed logs of CDR trains in Donegal Town
  14. airfixfan

    Blue GMs

    First main line for them since summer 2024
  15. airfixfan

    Blue GMs

    Driver training as by the end of 2024 no driver had valid assurance to drive the Blue GMs
  16. airfixfan

    Blue GMs

    See photo
  17. airfixfan

    Blue GMs

    112 out today on test runs to Carrick and back by 4
  18. When the line closed the road bridge to Lifford was too weak to take lorries. Line quickly lifted to Lifford by Phoenix Erne used to lift most of the Letterkenny branch and why it ended up in Letterkenny. Have a new book on the railways of Strabane being launched in Donegal Towm on February 23rd
  19. Love the new Donegal photos. Cannot wait for more!
  20. We will get a 1916 plate from the Craggy Island Railway next!
  21. 96 pages including a colour section All funds support the Donegal Railway Heritage Museum
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