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burnthebox last won the day on February 3 2021

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  1. I won’t be in the rush for this ok lads, best of luck…. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/353795305860
  2. That’s what I call service, BTB
  3. Hi Wrenneire, so which of those two snails are facing the right way, just wondering like….. BTB
  4. Well guys, this will either encourage or discourage one and all, but I’m wondering should I put my identical pair on the web, or hold off… BTB https://www.ebay.ie/itm/174873356917
  5. Hi Noel, I know you said one of those photos is of Gort, so would you please tell me which is the real Gort & which is the model, right now I cannot decide as your attention to detail is phenomenal, congratulations again on your skills, Paul
  6. Sean, my lad, you’ve been a very busy man, looking just great, keep up the good work, BTB
  7. Very nice piece of work Noel, are going to put a chimney on it, keep the plate layer warm during the winter months... Paul
  8. Hi guys & many thanks, just go’s to show, ask & thou shall receive... BTB
  9. Hi & thanks, I’ve contacted the only motor factor that I know of, & that’s VINNY BYRNES, I contacted them about this paint colour & was told no, they don’t have any skin like colour paint in PRIMER...so up to now the only solution seems to be a mix of colours to get something usable but the point is it won’t be a PRIMER... BTB
  10. Hi Barl, they have quite a selection, might be the answer....! BTB
  11. Hi FL, hope you won’t mind me asking but where did you get that White Primer, I’ve had problems searching for a Primer in other colours other than Grey...! TIA BTB
  12. Hi guys,check this out fromRails, someone on here might be interested in it, BTB https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203274971099
  13. Hi guys, have a gander at these prices, might be worth a shot, BTB https://railsofsheffield.com/products/39397/murphy-models-mm0132-oo-gauge-mm0132-class-121-132-in-cie-supertrain-livery
  14. Hi guys, anyone on here seen these before, might be useful to someone on here, BTB https://railsofsheffield.com/groups/3297/rails-connect-decoders
  15. OK, Garfield etc. etc. I guess I’ll have to put the Jemmy away for a while then...
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