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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. As much as I like the Black and Silver, THAT FRONT FACE...reminds me of the Noddy toy trains with THAT SMILE... BTB
  2. Hi Garfield & thanks again, I’ve just checked my Spam folder again & my Trash folder again & again & there’s no reply to any of my emails in any of these folders, as to my emails, all’s fine here, BTB
  3. Hi one & all, & Garfield esp. & jeseasus, youses are up early,,,! checked the spam folder again but nothing in there, & of course I forgot about the few numbers of planes that are flying, which also would reduce the delivery services, & I don’t want any Max Jets flying overhead here thank you.. I’m not in that much of a hurry, so thanks again, BTB
  4. Hi guys & many apologies for the delay in replying, been busy, so I was wondering what’s going on in IRMs as I haven’t received my order, ( Ballast Train ) but now I’m only discovering that they aren’t actually in the country, ( UK ) yet, I didn’t know this until now, I’m waiting on another package from the UK & I thought just as you guys are saying the postal service is bogged down with orders as a result of the bloody COVID-19 bug, & so many people are buying on line as a result, I did email the guys in IRM’s office but no response to that or the calls I made. I thought I saw a Ballast train delivered to one on here, but I could of course be wrong, anyway having read the comments here about the postal situation so no problems, I can wait, oh & I DID PAY, HONESTLY I PAID IN STERLING / EURO...TO MAKE SURE.. .thanks again one & all, BTB
  5. Hi guys, anyone on here like me who might be waiting on a delivery from the above, have you any news, delays, holdups, would like to here from you, BTB
  6. Well guys, I guess we’ve all been there, yes the hurdles of 2020, BTB https://www.independent.ie/videos/offaly-pub-creates-its-own-christmas-ad-satirising-business-hurdles-of-2020-39757690.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=IN:Daily&hConversionEventId=AQEAAZQF2gAmdjQwMDAwMDE3NS1kNzg1LWQ1NGYtOTYwOC03NTE2M2VjNmE0YTbaACQyOTBiNmZkMy03YTNjLTRkY2UtMDAwMC0wMjFlZjNhMGJjY2TaACQ4NGFkMWJmZS00OTdiLTRkNTAtYmVhNi05ODA1ZTUyOTk5YjXPhHLNOcZ9ppq4pCYdGO0ikAP26Z9tRPRXpOOu4NzoyA
  7. Noel, I’m with Popeye on this one, what I’m really suggesting is that you might,down the road, ( Railway Lines ) you might want to show something of that era, & I do like the Black & Silver, & yes I’d weather it like the one above, but as said it’s your call, BTB
  8. Hi guys, here’s your chance to vote for your favourite railways innovator, maker, or even modeller, BTB https://www.keymodelworld.com/article/hornby-magazine-model-railway-awards-voting-2020?utm_source=Mailing+List&utm_campaign=74fa9bc9fe-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_10_03_08_19_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_74d01bc2ed-74fa9bc9fe-5470713 Well I’ve made my mark, so remember vote early & often.....!
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  9. Will someone get that JCB & that railways digger working or weathered, as obviously I’m not the only one on here who thought that’s a Working Crew, & I mean a WORKING CREW, like not a coffee break Irish all day crew....!
  10. Thanks Eoin, never heard of that model before, so I’ll be making further inquiries, it’s not that I’ll be doing a Micheal Angelo on any of my models, but that looks like it’ll do the job, Paul
  11. Hi guys, anyone on here knows anything about this please, TIA BTB https://www.ebay.ie/itm/Tamiya-Air-Brush-System-No-20-With-Spray-Work-Basic-Compress-With-Tracking-Used/193047866012
  12. Noel, there looking just mega, even before you shade them, I’ll be looking forward to seeming them then, so I’m sure looking forward to getting mine, BTB
  13. Well guys, even I thought it could be a mistake,! But I’m wondering having seen this, https://www.ebay.ie/itm/284074123764?ul_noapp=true
  14. You should put that question to the man who may know the answer, Wrenneire of this parish, but at this time I’m a free man.... BTB
  15. So where does that put me, having got 5 Cravens, & 2 MK2D’s at €35.00 Each, & free post from Spain....?
  16. Hi guys, tell me is this the start of it... https://www.ebay.ie/itm/BACHMANN-MURPHY-MODELS-OO-GAUGE-MARK-2A-TSO-OPEN-SECOND-COACH-IR-INTERCITY-4102/284073205687?hash=item4224151fb7:g:~gMAAOSwaOtfqBk4 Forgot to mention postage to Ireland is £18.68....
  17. Hi Noel & thanks, I agree with everything you have said, in fact I still think they are the cats, but I’m only dreaming of a time long ago..! When all I had was the CIE class 33, Paul
  18. Hi guys, have a look at what I’ve just found while sorting some of my stuff out, & I’ve only now noticed that the two numbers are completely different, which of course they are, I always thought they were the same only one was smaller... BTB
  19. Hi Noel & many thanks, great stuff, so as long as anyone who posts their plans etc don’t mind me & dare I say others like me copying or maybe take some parts of the plan for when their planning a layout, & I would be hoping to include a turntable...Thanks again, Paul
  20. Hi guys & mods, I’m wondering first, if this is already on hear somewhere, then point me in it’s direction, otherwise I wonder if anyone, mods etc, would be willing to display their plans, drawings sketches etc of their model railways layout on this site, TIA BTB
  21. Hi guys, anyone on here who knows where I’d find photos of CIE COAL WAGONS, please, not in any particular year, cannot seem find any photos, TIA BTB
  22. I don’t care what ya say, it’s not Fungi...! OK
  23. Hi Noel, mind me asking you about this photo, do you have 3 of those Tamiya spray stands, thanks Paul
  24. Hi guys, & thanks Noel, now, I’m hoping to get Peco Code 75 Bullhead Flexitrack Wooden Sleeper. So finally I think..! Is this one ( 1 ) piece of track...!!!!! or am I talking about a number of pieces of track, & I’m planning for a OO GAUGE LAYOUT, TIA BTB “ PECO STREAMLINE BULLHEAD WOODEN SLEEPER FLEXITRACK CODE 75 “
  25. Hi Noel & thanks again so now tell me if I go into the shop & ask for 1 box of Peco Code 75 Flexitrack Wooden sleeper is this track Streamline..! or do I have to ask for that..! Sorry but I forgot to mention Bullhead, & by this I mean do code 75 & code 100 come as Bullhead, Streamline, Flexitrack, Wooden sleeper, Thanks Paul
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