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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. A man after my own heart, burn the bloody thing... BTB
  2. Hi again guys, so here’s another one, & I still say it’s the beginning of the end, unless of course someone pays these kinda prices...! BTB https://www.ebay.ie/itm/133741207059?ul_noapp=true
  3. Hi guys, & gals....! Here’s something someone on here might be looking for, but maybe not at these prices... BTB https://www.ebay.ie/itm/224427181133?hash=item3440e7044d:g:E3gAAOSwxBdgeJa~
  4. Well guys where does that leave me with these two, . . BTB
  5. Hi guys, I know I’ve said this before but, this has got to be the end of model railways....! See for your selfs, BTB https://www.ebay.ie/itm/HORNBY-R768-CIE-CLASS-35-HYMEK-DIESEL-LOCO-ORANGE-BLACK-IRISH-LIVERY-V-G-C/384062532687?hash=item596be92c4f:g:VUYAAOSwmX5gXbZu OK I’V sorted the name out, it’s a Class 35 otherwise known as a HYMEK...
  7. Hi guys, anyone on here looking for a couple of model Mercedes, this is the seller I got the bargains from a while ago, & he doesn’t charge for postage...! BTB https://www.ebay.ie/itm/313469433222?ul_noapp=true
  8. Well guys I have to say that I didn’t know there was such a choice...! So what would be your choice of point motors..! & the reason I ask is for when I get to start the build of my layout I’ll be planning on using Peco Code 75 Wooden sleeper Flexi track, ( not that I know anything about track or what track points will work or not...! ) TIA BTB
  9. Hi guys, have a look at this lot, from Rails...New Point Motors.. btb https://railsofsheffield.com/groups/3420/rails-connect-point-motors
  10. Hi guys, anyone on here who knows what this wagon is for, or is it plane to see....!! TIA burnthebox
  11. Hi Irishswissernie & I hope you won’t mind me asking you about the size of this layout, as I had planned a layout similar to yours, but life got in the way. Anyway can you please tell me what’s the length & width of this layout, I do notice that one side is wider than the other, & if you don’t mind would you send the details in ft. & in. please btw that’s a mega looking setup you have, & modelling skills, Paul
  12. Hi guys, very recently I’ve found something I think we modellers like to have in our chest, closet, drawer shelf or whatever, to hold our little bits of models, tools etc. etc. & it’s this. A handy little box, made of clear plastic, & you can get one, or two or maybe more of you fancy going into Tesco, & soon, as I don’t know how long more the stocks are on sale, as of today, there only €8.00 a box of 24, & the bonus that’s making these little treasures very attractive is the boxes contain Ferrero Rocher chocolates.. so now you can be the bees knees by buying a box, or two for the Mom in your life...! ..& while you’re in the LITTLE ANGELS hallowed area, just suggest that when Mom has finished with the chocolates, you will take care of the EMPTY box for her.. making you as said the little hero... I’ll put a photo of the box, full & empty on to show what I mean, & btw, I will not take any responsibility for any Bribery, Cons, Trickery, Scamming, Hoodwinking, Tomfoolery, Sweet Dealing, & the chocolates are nice....very nice..! BTB”
  13. Hallelujah, I didn’t miss them, no wonder I couldn’t find them, so now I’m going to just sit back with a smile on my mug, and wait....
  14. Hi & many thanks Bos, so now what does that tell you. obviously I’ve been dreaming & hoping for an 8 pack of Guinness Keg Liners, so much so that I thought I’d missed them, I have even checked back over what I’ve already bought, thinking I missed out... something tells me I need a rest.. I’m going to blame it on that Covid-19 thing, I don’t have it, I don’t want it, might as well blame it, it hasn’t done any good anywhere, good night one and all, BTB
  15. Hi DJ & thanks, but that’s still only showing the 4 2 packs of Guinness Keg Liners, A, B, C, D, but nothing about the full pack....! BTB
  16. Hi & thanks DJ, that’s exactly what I’m taking about, I just don’t understand why IRM don’t have any reference to them on their site...! They have sold out, so have if not all of their stock, a bloody large amount of it has, & good luck to them for that, I’m just puzzled by the lack of reference to them, BTB
  17. Hi guys, tell me didn’t the IRM Guinness Container Wagons Pack have 8 Wagons...cannot see any further reference to them on IRM only the pairs of wagons..
  18. Hi Railer, any chance you can put up some photos, have an interest in the Guinness Kegs, BTB
  19. Now that’s what’s called nostalgia, Happy Days Noel, just goes to show you what our capabilities are when the need arises, very well done sir, now get back up into that attic... Paul
  20. Only just waking up. & the deed is done, best of luck guys,i BTB
  21. Bloody Hell Eoin, that’s one very serious piece of equipment, very well done sir, you could play with that for hours just by moving parts, magic, Paul
  22. Hi guys, have a look at this seller who’s selling lots of Irish Layout accessories, in eBay...! BTB https://www.ebay.ie/itm/An-Post-Parcel-Station-lockers-OO-Gauge-Irish-Model-Railways/203135332411?hash=item2f4bcf303b:g:AokAAOSwII9fgeBK
  23. No problem at all sir, you deserve every credit, now I hope you guys realise just how high you’ve set that BAR....!!
  24. Hi guys, I ordered these two on Sunday last, & they were delivered yesterday, Tuesday, in the AM, how’s that for postage...! Oh & yes, there’re AWSOME take a Bow one & All, BTB
  25. Hi Noel, well at those sort of prices who’s gon’a pay them, I’m not for starters, but I’m thinking I might start selling...!! I have at least two of them, that I know of, haven’t seen them for a long time, & besides I don’t like that particular color scheme with the pointed black.. So it’s all yours...! Paul
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