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Everything posted by burnthebox

  1. Hi guys again forgot to mention the Peco Streamline Code 100 as opposed to the Peco Code 75, is this in Streamline as well as the code 100..! What I’m trying to say is are these tracks the same except that the Code is different..! Hope I’m explaining this correctly..! TIA BTB
  2. burnthebox


    Bloody hell Noel, for a minute there I thought that was my Honda 90, but on closer inspection I saw the windshield...! Which I did not have on my mine, but thanks for the memory, Bray Main Street, that’s looking back...!! Year..! BTB
  3. burnthebox


    To begin with I’ll relate my experiences in locating model railways shops which are now long gone, starting with the shop in Phibsboro, then OWNES model toy shop in Bray, then Marks Model shop in Dun Laoghaire, none of which were ever replaced, & these shops were in the main on the East coast, now my nearest shop is Dublin, so in my honest opinion even though I’d love to see a Model Railway shop opening in my locality it’s never going to happen, at least not in my lifetime, so I’m saying that boat has sailed. I’ve been interested in model railways for as long as I can remember, whether I’m just looking, buying or whatever, & of course visiting shows. In more recent years we now have Donedeal, Adverts, EBay, Marks Models who still have shops, not in that order & none of which I’m recommending, & IRM, who don’t have a shop as yet....! The IRM web site is magic, when it comes to finding & selecting something it’s so easy, never had an issue with it, Marks Models site is, in my opinion is pathetic, the amount of text is unreal. So to sum up as much as I would love to have a Model Railway shop near me it’s not going to happen, as I’ve said in my honest opinion that boat has sailed..! So best of luck with your ventures.
  4. Excuse me Mister, where do I get the train to see the model railway one please...!! .. .. ...AWSOME, JUST AWSOME
  5. Hi Eoin & many thanks for that, so as I read it, the 26mm axel is fixed, no matter which manufacturer’s wheels are used in whatever wagon, OO gauge, BTB
  6. There’s always one...!
  7. Hi guys, anyone on here who knows about wagon wheels, is there a difference between the size of wagon wheels on Bachman, Hornby & Dapol, by difference I mean from one side to the other, not the circumference of the wheels, but from one track to the other..! Hope I’ve explained this right..! Oh & yes I’m talking about OO gauge, TIA BTB
  8. Congratulations to all in IRM on a job so exceedingly well done, that was a very quick 5 yrs, but you guys didn’t hang about, every model you’ve produced is of a level not witnessed in Irish railway modelling before now, & long may it continue, as to a favourite model, I have to say that the Taras are just awesome, so take 17 bows, you deserve it, Paul
  9. Hi guys, here’s something that might help display colours or not, BTB PS Take note of the container on the back roofs colour
  10. Damm it sir, there AWSOME very very well done, BTB
  11. Hi murphaph & very well done sir, you’ve got a lot going on there, plenty of action, & if I’m correct it looks like you’re operating foreign locos, so this guy might be of interest to you, he’s the guy in Spain I got some Craven coaches from a month ago, & it was free postage...! BTB https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwJZJdCJfXwTSpNqjWqgWLQwRhV
  12. COVID-19 Restrictions... Horse-racing can also take place behind closed doors. Big Doors...!!
  13. Very well done sir, that’s a great idea, so take 17 bows, well deserved, & yes I do have a number of items which I’ll be putting on that page, now I won’t have to go dawn to any vaults...!! Paul
  14. Hi guys, anyone on here done a service on an 071, 141 / 181 & is there a video, TIA BTB
  15. Sorry about that, DC, putting links etc on is not as easy as before the site changed..! once you get your vote in that’s all that matters... & yes, I did vote... and while I’m on here don’t forget, vote early & often...
  16. Hi guys, I think the voting for your favourite is now open.. so what’s keeping you, BTB
  17. I’m not that friend.....
  18. Many, many thanks for that Broithe, believe it or not but I’ve spent the past hour + on HORNBY’S web page trying to get the name of that item as I’m in the process of updating the number of attachments that go on it, to cater for a bigger loco, I could not remember the bloody name of it & I went onto HORNBY’S web site & tried every name I could think of, repair track, service track, maintenance track, loco track, etc. Etc. Regards Paul
  19. Hi guys, I know this is going to sound totally off the wall, bu5 what’s the correct name of the HORNBY FIXED TEST TRACK PIECE OF EQUIPMENT CANNOT GET ANY HELP FROM HORNBY, SHOWING EVERYTHING BUT THE CORRECT PIECE OF EQUIPMENT TIA BTB
  20. Have this a while now, not complete but it’s in a Box of sorts...! Well the bottom end of the box.. BTB
  21. Hi guys, looking at this I think I’ll start selling my stack, Bachmann Murphy Models 34-226Y CIE Green Flying Snail Coach 3rd/Brake No.1087 £54.95 1 bid Sorry guys, but I haven’t a clue a# to what’s happening here !!!!!!!! Cannot find the usual links to put these in !!!!
  22. Sorry guys but I don’t know what has happened with this notice, all k8nd of strange things...!!! HOPE you can see this BTB
  23. Hi guys, have a look at this lot, a bit different from the 7 I got, & there’s a big difference in the price of these in comparison to the ones I got...!! BTB Click to view larger image and other views £550.00 Approximately EUR 601.03
  24. Hi guys, have a look at this from ALDI, maybe of use to some who know if it’s of any benefit..! BTB https://www.aldi.ie/ferrex-2-5hp-air-compressor/p/705785387017900
  25. I too would like to add my gratitude to the man known as Paddy Murphy for reawakening my fascination with model railways and particularly the Irish examples with models so very exceptionally well detailed the likes of which we had not anticipated let alone expected, oh we of little faith..! I’ll not quote the numbers of the models here as they have already been quoted here rightly so and of which we have been so lucky to receive, take 17 bows Mr. Murphy you deserve every one, BTB
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