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Everything posted by Kinvara-Train

  1. Hello ttcO169, it was great to meet you too,I hope you were lucky to get a piece of cake? Best Regards Walter Ps.Backsenes allways in stock
  2. Thank's for the Pic's Eoin walter
  3. Thanks Dave for the Flowers Walter
  4. Thank's ich hab das Vergessen
  5. Wie Bitte,das ist nicht Deutsch
  6. Hallo Herr Heirflick Mit Brille waehre das nicht passiert Viele Gruesse aus Kinvara Walter
  7. and best regard,s from Kinvara
  8. OMG this is real professional work ,they can be proud of this wonderful layout which is still under construction,one of the best that I have seen so far. They seem to be using only the best of material(plywood)etc. Would love to go there and see it by myself. Best regard,s Walter
  9. Hello, The West is calling:x The 3rd Clare Diecast&Modelshow on 07.04.13 from 10am-6pm in the West County Hotel Ennis The Streetsystem will be on show See you in the west Walter http://www.streetsystem.de
  10. as i said first come first served,i think it will not last for monday,sorry I am slaving away in the kitchen at the moment see you all over the weekend in Wexford Walter
  11. first in first out,will go next year for the Guinnessbook of record's
  12. i put your name down on the list
  13. pick up your pice of Cake by me for your Coffee
  14. Hi Josefstadt, thanks for your kind words of praise.I will be hapy to supply you with any other requirements that you might need in the future. Kinvara-North-Wall and intergrated " Streetsystem" will be on show again over Easter in Wexford Thanks again Best Regards Walter
  15. hello Everybody Its that time of the Month again"Bray" is on, on Sunday the 24th of March see you all there walter Ps.Streetsystem will be on show
  16. on the long way to Dundalk see you there:tumbsup: Walter
  17. Hello Eoin looking forward to The Berliner S-Bahn in AC,can hardly wait you are doing a great job Walter
  18. The Berliner S-Bahn is out of the World and in AC
  19. the taste of burger's, bolognaise ,will never be the same i will bet on that,just get used of it ,enjoy your Meal
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