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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. Should keep it going for a while..
  2. If there's heavy traffic, they sometimes use a motorcycle for quicker access - hopefully not forgetting to put a helmet on...
  3. Lovely picture reTweeted by Irish rail today - https://twitter.com/JCRPhotos1/status/439483803086516224 .
  4. I don't think the dog is a poodle, I'm fairly sure that he's a Bichon Frise. Accuracy matters - sometimes.....
  5. The last picture in this sequence - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-26382720 - a great shot.....
  6. Turn that Sergeant round and let's see if there's a pony-tail.......
  7. Would they not be needing a dog unit in support?
  8. Liquid Paper correction fluid was invented by the mother of Mike Nesmith of the Monkees.
  9. Laois is the only county in Ireland that does not border a county with a maritime coastline.
  10. Very pretty picture on Twitter today.. https://twitter.com/IrishRail/status/437908618789126145/photo/1
  11. Quite a few videos up already.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgbvxvn8bSY
  12. I live a few miles from where this happened - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hixon_rail_crash - a 200 ton transformer hit by a train doing 75mph. Thirty years later they replaced the crossing with a bridge. I've never been a fan of level crossings - at least, not on high-speed lines.
  13. It's not really predictable what load the rail will take in an upward direction - too many variables..
  14. It really is one of the better shows - big, but not huge - far less manic than Warley - and fairly accessible from most of the country. ..and only a couple of miles away..
  15. R.I.P. (Still the best livery - when I take over it will be back.) Mmm, I'll keep my eyes open for a suitable cat....
  16. I understand that the verse in the card went like this.. Mk 3's are orange, Plassers are yellow, My darling husband's Not such a bad fellow.
  17. Mmmm - have you found out what she's done yet...?
  18. Anybody recognise this - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=121275343322&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en - I can't find anything anywhere....
  19. And so you should be - it's almost ridiculous that such a good model of such an obscure prototype should be made available to us - and we've been privy to every stage of the development. Marvellous stuff.
  20. Perhaps just needs to get out more - a smart card might help cut the cost...
  21. Some of these pictures should have 'Parental Advisory' filters - I'm traumatised here...
  22. Ah, so - but was there a uniform provided?
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