I grew up in an RAF itinerant manner. There were pluses and minuses.
Moving pretty much every year made having a half-decent layout a bit impractical - and, even if you did make something very portable, you might often go away for a few years, leaving most stuff 'in storage'. This could be quite entertaining, though, when uncovering stuff you had completely forgotten about - on one famous occasion, we opened a crate to find, amongst other things, a Dundee cake that had been accidentally packed in the rush, three years before...
However, if you were on a station where there was a 'sir' with any sort of interest in a subject, then all sort of facilities could 'become available', from empty buildings to workshop facilities and transport.
The amount of moving about eased off a lot after the early 70s and people were often in a semi-permanent situation after that time, so that may have helped.