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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. A tank in the town square suggests Celbridge can be a bit rough at the weekends?
  2. A challenge for anybody doing Balbriggan in modern image. Tullamore would be easier - a bit.
  3. You're just trying to get mugs to do an image search for 'Brazilian'. I'm not falling for that - yet.
  4. And, it's hard to be sure, but somebody may have painted the chassis black...
  5. Almost all cartoon characters have three fingers and a thumb, where they have hands at all. Four just looks 'too many'. A friend of mine had the ring finger on her left hand removed due to cancer, but it is almost unnoticeable, even if you know. I suspect that few people who don't know ever spot it.
  6. Well, I've asked around via private messages and, reluctantly, we'll take a tenner for him.
  7. I Can't Remember. Might not even need a ticket - would they spot one more old sod?
  8. If you look closely, you can see that the wheels are different to "ours". There is a moulded boss where the axle passes through, to prevent them being moved out to 21mm.
  9. Ah, I wondered what was causing it...
  10. https://www.postalmuseum.org/collections/highlights/letter-boxes/# I think that's for the egg collections.
  11. Of course, all the letter boxes were originally green, a sort of Brunswick Green, but, apparently, people complained about the lack of visibility and the Post Office Red arrived. Near me on the Small Island, there is an Edward VII box, the only one that I have ever seen. It was still in use until about five years ago, when victory was conceded to the Blue Tits who had been fighting for control of it for decades.
  12. You should have run off and hidden on this island, until it turned from Spanish territory into French... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pheasant_Island
  13. A friend of mine had his 3-litre Capri stolen in July 1976. He reported it and started the insurance palaver. After several weeks, there was still no report of it anywhere and the insurance money finally arrived, so he could see about a replacement. Three days later, he got up to go searching for a 'new' car and there it was, on the drive, cleaned and with 4,000 miles extra on the clock. By this stage, it was still a stolen car and it didn't belong to him any more. After some argy-bargy with the cops and the insurance company, he bought it back with the money they'd given him for it, although they initially demanded more than they had told him it was worth... It was never resolved where it had been all those weeks. The consensus was that somebody had probably 'borrowed' it to go around Europe in the hot summer of that year.
  14. Even the paving slabs are excellent - especially the ones around the 'adjusted corner'.
  15. This is still the UK's warning sign for an ungated level crossing. I suppose it's more recognisable as a 'train' than a generic diesel silhouette would be.
  16. For the first few seconds, I thought you were giving away that you are in your late eighties...
  17. Nice - well worth doing - and, if it hadn't worked, you could have kept gerbils in it.
  18. Mmm - thinking further about this, there is a precedent - this highway bridge in Prague actually has the Metro running in a tube underneath it - https://www.google.com/maps/@50.0650592,14.4285975,3a,51.1y,87.9h,96.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8WDelnI3bpaj29L7Pyq-8A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 - like a 'tunnel in the sky' - it does stop passengers being blinded by the sudden light, before they are plunged back under the ground at the far side of the valley.
  19. When you've finished the current project, you could build a metro system running in the ducting. U-Murphbahn.
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