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Everything posted by Broithe

  1. That 'like' above is actually for Mrs B and her unnatural level of tolerance..............................................................▲ It's probably worth keeping her.
  2. If somebody hits my trusty old Getz, I might be tempted to go for a Kona.
  3. It's good to see you and IÉ both working on this roof at the weekends, but you may be taking this perfectionism a bit too far..?
  4. Dangerous... My other forum has this available, but it once caused someone to leave in high dudgeon, as he wasn't aware of the cultural significance and misinterpreted the very small image as a tiny anatomical representation...
  5. Lookout? Is there one that says Careful Now..?
  6. These can still be got - collapses down to look a bit like a spirit level or snooker cue case...
  7. It certainly did fit in better, but access to the island platform for the doddery was a little problematical at times. Wit a Cork-bound Mk 4 set stopped there, you couldn't cross the track, except via the footbridge, if you could manage the stairs.
  8. This is probably a bit 'domestic-looking', and plastic, but the Atlas Hairpin fencing is very nice. https://shop.atlasrr.com/p-145-ho-decorative-fence-hairpin-style.aspx
  9. Right - pictures loading OK now.
  10. Today's inspection tour revealed little worthy of note. A spare track connector is available, if you've lost one. 4005 swept through. It's still litter-free/windswept. A a couple of fairly vertical track shots. They must have a really good track rubber. This bridge, a couple of miles away to the southwest, is in really good condition, considering it was presumably built in the late 1840s. Little evidence of any recent masonry repairs being necessary.
  11. Has anybody uploaded an image since the return? I've just tried and get 'queueing', with no end in sight...
  12. Are you doing this in tandem? Do you have bus transfers in place, too?
  13. Phew, you've got a bunch of guys about to turn blue...
  14. Four charged. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-48974301
  15. Anybody into chewing gum? It looks like you can still get it in those 'pillow-shaped' pieces - I wonder if the dimensions are close enough to use as random bags of fertiliser to leave around the place?
  16. Obviously, people buying fertiliser wagons, and then subsequently buying sugar beet wagons when they become available, might need to consider if any internet surveillance might flag them up...?
  17. It might be best to stump up a few more Euros and run it straight to France now. https://www.thejournal.ie/ireland-uk-tunnel-explained-3-3716011-Nov2017/
  18. Aaah, you're safe for a while. The crowdfunding for the hitman has slowed up a bit lately.
  19. Large-scale infrastructure projects will often have these logistical supply problems.
  20. Patience is a virtue. At least we didn't end up with a bus replacement service.
  21. The Yorkshire one is/was here - https://www.google.com/maps/@53.7316522,-0.6725663,3a,75y,339.63h,85.08t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sTGPH1vo-NgE3R4I-xat17w!2e0!5s20100301T000000!7i13312!8i6656 - on this old school building, where the hanging basket thing is, next to the window, but it's appeared after this latest Street View picture (March 2010). The Geograph picture above was taken on September 15th, 2012, so it may well still be there now. The 'fence' in the Geograph picture is actually the open gate... I was in Hull a few weeks ago and I may go again next year and spend some time at Fort Paull, to see the only remaining Blackburn Beverley, if I get the chance, I might go past and ask them why the sign is there...
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