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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. Patrick, thats a fantastic layout. I could have very easily lay down this week and said 'feck it' - but after seeing your recent pictures I am full of ideas. Firstly, something I realised, echoed by Wrenneire is that a layout doesn't need to be full of clutter, or have too much going on. Instead yours oozes atmosphere. This has given me an idea. Outside Omagh there are one or two bridges still in place that carried the GNRi over the Camowen River, not far from where my dad lived as a boy when his father manned the level crossing at Edenderry and lived there in a house provided by the GNRi (built on sleepers that were driven into the ground like modern day piles). This would give my layout the atmosphere it needs and the other bridge closer to town was where the Portadown line branched off to the Market Branch and crossed over the road adjacent to the same river. This is all single track with lots of grass and bushes either side of the line. Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece of work.
  2. jhb, I joined this forum one year ago exactly tomorrow. I need a break from it..........
  3. Junctionmad, if you say so.............. Would make a great title for a book, or a film........ "The Railway that never Was"
  4. PaulC, so glad you posted.I'm sorry you are confused and I guess I am even more confused. I totally agree with your comments and in particular the fact that there is a lot going on - I didn't realise that until I actually looked at the drawing, looked at some 00 gauge track and looked at my available space. Yes, it certainly has too much happening. Furthermore, when I think back to my youth and recall the railway that passed the back of my house, it was a single line on a raised embankment and nothing but grass and landscape either side. My approach, as you rightly pointed out, there is little scope for scenics. Well PaulC, thank you kindly for stopping me in my tracks - I honestly do appreciate it.
  5. Who is forum admin - I need to ask a question
  6. Rich, I've removed the cross-overs, they were there to hold the double track parallel as I formed the curves on that corner. It has been replaced with a Y-junction which was at the South Cabin in Omagh. The Portadown line is reduced to a dead-end and will be masked by a stationary wagon in the back scene. The turntable is now in place as it was but I've lost space for the double engine shed next to the turntable. Later I can look at this when its printed and sitting on my baseboards. I'm sure I'll be able to get it in. Just a thought-the Portadown and Enniskillen lines both left Omagh from double to single line track. As I leave the station area (top left) I could reduce to a single line and fit the shed in, though I'd need another point (top right) to get my double line back again.
  7. David, it looks fantastic. As does everything on this beautiful layout. I love it.
  8. Very realistic assembly line, impressed!
  9. A little more progress, but will rest and leave until tomorrow......
  10. Thanks Paul, I have a confession to make - I am a Carpentry Instructor at our local College.
  11. Working my way through sketches and transferring them to Railmodeller Pro. Still long way to go. Any obvious 'No No's' so far............. ? (The trackworkwork on the left is incomplete)
  12. Once I fine tune the track plan and transfer it to the plywood, I can start cutting the track bed and raising it around 50mm to allow for the 'Low Bridge Warning' just below the South Cabin. It will be a 'flavour' of Omagh and not necessarily a replica.
  13. Finally got the baseboards complete, as can be seen by the pictures below. I have build all the baseboard frames in modular sections of 750mm x 350mm. This was deliberate, they are all the same length, more or less and the opening that will become a hinged board to complete the circuit is also 750mm. The last piece I was working on today was the section to the right that will feature the turntable. I just have to add little triangular fillers to smooth the curves out at the top baseboard inner corners. Lots of nice 9mm birch ply.
  14. If I cannot find an easy solution I may go with the Peco turntable and modify it as best I can.
  15. I'm sure its not the most difficult of things to build.......
  16. Thanks David, is the Dapol kit of inferior quality to Peco - Is it a flimsy affair? Here is the Peco N-gauge turntable which is very like Omagh. Its just not long enough for a 00 gauge 4-4-0 if it were adapted.
  17. StevieB, I have noted the size of turntables on the GNR, I guess the Peco turntable is much too big? JhB, I still remember Omagh well(pictured below), we used to play in it after school, long after the line closed!
  18. Do many Irish layouts feature turntables and are they Peco? The diagram below shows my current baseboard arrangement in BLUE. I am considering a turntable in the lower left section which is why it is wider. However, I am also considering the extension in BROWN to allow for a circuit. Whats the views of other readers. The longer baseboard area (top left) can be used as storage yard beyond a road bridge. Overall length 2850mm (top) 1626mm (left) 2000mm (bottom) - 350mm wide.
  19. Junctionmad, I don't do 'soul destroying' - sorry!
  20. Junctionmad, I think you've got a point with the sleepers. I could get birch ply pretty easy and save quite a bit. Also, I'd be using EM tolerances because it would probably run much better than fine scale. When all else fails, theres Peco Code 75!
  21. Andy, I'm impressed. I am at a point where I am just completing my baseboards. I have three walls complete and tomorrow I'll cut the last section which will allow me to use a flap to close off the entrance to the operating position. I don't see no reason why I shouldn't consider 21mm though I really need to be sure that locomotives can be converted easily. Any photographs?
  22. Thanks jhb, nice to have them. Don't plan on scratch building coaches anyway.
  23. I thought this cartoon in the current issue of Railway Modeller really captured the modern day railway enthusiast!
  24. Dave, whats the history of this set - Great Southern I presume?
  25. Thanks Dave. The one sure thing about this purchase is that is concludes one sure thing. I'm modelling Irish and its 00 gauge!
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