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Everything posted by GNRi1959

  1. I have absolutely no problem with the Group or Wilson. I cannot understand how my link opens his group!
  2. Straight answer, no
  3. No worries Jb, it’s no big deal
  4. Jb, I’ve no control at all
  5. Link above jb
  6. Does anyone know how a group that I set up back here in May, above, has now been hijacked by someone else?..
  7. I just ordered a new one, to be honest, the spring was bent so I chucked it. Christ but modelling doesn’t half eat up your pocket money!
  8. Yes, the spring is banjaxed!
  9. I have managed to foul the spring of a Peco point. The point will switch one way but will not return to the opposite side. Is there any way of repairing this?
  10. David, good point, I'm certainly in no hurry. What's your choice of paint? These are switches I got made up for my points, off ebay
  11. Over the next couple of days, all going well, I will have completed wiring of all point motors. These will be brought back to bank of switches I am awaiting the arrival of. is my next stage the ballasting?
  12. I could have one switch operating a paired crossover but I don't mind going separate with each point as there are only 6 in total anyway
  13. Dear friends, I think I have all my point motors in position and almost all wired. The question I have, I am now taking cable from each motor back to the individual switches, so I assume that I cannot loop these, I must feed each point motor from its own switch, makes sense I hope.
  14. Patrick, lovely layout and echos of what I have been working on lately. Back in the day when Tony Miles and my old friend David Goodwin were modelling Adavoyle, there was some conversation of motorising a horse by running a drive shaft from within the tram into the horses ‘rear end’.
  15. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158439868082393&id=86508027392 it was really nice to see our own Jonathan Beaumont speak so well on this new UTV series last night, well done JB
  16. Nice to read all comments. This is the first layout where I actually spent more time under the baseboards, than above. Previously, in a rush to get some signs of scenic life showing, I lost sight of what was absolutely essential underneath. So, at the moment I’m taking it in stages and find the under-baseboard challenge interesting for a change. I think, ultimately, when all works well I may replace all temporary Connectors for solder joints.
  17. By the way, I’m using these snap connectors as I find them much better that screw type
  18. What I done this morning was tinned the ends of the cables and put the back into their connectors, seems to be fine and I can keep an eye on things. Thanks
  19. Is it best to solder any ‘multiple’ looped cables under a baseboard, as opposed to using block connectors? It sure would reduce risk of break in sound power supply from possible frayed cable, wouldn’t it?
  20. My complete lack of understanding in the past when soldering was solved by a few YouTube tutorials. My failed joints in the past were because I was carrying solder on my iron to a cold surface. Now I heat the object enough to melt the solder, allowing it to flow between and around joints. The tram was built in 0 gauge because I thought back in the 90s that it would have been an impossible challenge in 00. Norman (Johnston) and I were in Cultra to photograph the tram for his book and I got the idea to build it. He launched the book and I launched the tram!
  21. I think I was pleased with the look of the joint as it looked like a ‘blob of silver’.
  22. I tinned the wires and used a fibre glass pen on the underside of the rail joiners and also on the sides of the rails at the baseboard joint. When I tugged on the cables they were sound.
  23. Does solder come with flux? I didn’t use any and the solder just melted into the joints.
  24. Things were going well up until a few days ago.......... I decided to change my control are to the opposite end of the layout so I could facilitate manually operating my points. In doing this I decided that my attempts at inserting two additional droppers were far from good. (a good workman never blames his tools!) well, I proved myself wrong in this case. I bought a really good soldering iron that can achieve temperatures up to 450degrees and I set about replacing two sections of track and my baseboard joints using this new gadget. After watching a new videos, I was so proud of myself, making up wired railjoiners and getting shining bright silvery solder joints. I was amazed at how easy it was, all down to a much better iron.
  25. Anyone know what is the correct sizes of copper/brass tube plus piano wire to make manual point controls.
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