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Everything posted by NIRCLASS80

  1. Was in Coleraine today and Bills hobbies have 20% off all in stock Hornby and he has a good selection of stock which his web site does not show. I am no connection to the owner and only use it for some scenic materials but the prices with that amount off rrp takes them close to the box shifters. http://www.billshobbiesmodelshop.com/index.html
  2. A couple of pictures of a corner of my layout that has been waiting scenery for 3 years, hopefully by posting these this will get me started. http://www.flickr.com/photos/nirailfan/?saved=1
  3. Just a head on picture of a marvellous model
  4. Here is a great supplier and a great airbrush for the money. http://www.smdesigns.co.uk/iwataneo?pmc_a=show&pmc_id=624 Also some great lesson videos, although this guy takes airbrushing to a whole new level. No connection just a happy customer.
  5. Thanks for your comment Tony and just to be clear the red and white marker lights can be controlled individually which is a far more important feature than cab lights.
  6. Just for some information, I tried the Bachmann chip 36-557 in my 112 model and all the function apart from the cab lights work and at £15.73 from Hattons gets the loco going on the cheap but still gives good running qualities and all the Head and marker light options without costing a fortune.

    Track Cleaning

    Here is one for the track although it uses the dapol solution rather than IPA but same technique

    Track Cleaning

    Here is a video of the loco cleaning

    Track Cleaning

    Don't use meths. Get some IPA with at least 90% alcohol content and simply apply to a piece of fine cloth or piece of kitchen roll and just rub along the rail and you will be amazed at the dirt that comes off. Try to avoid abrasive solutions as you only create more scratches to catch more dirt. IPA is available from local chemists or ebay works out the cheapest option. Alittle goes along way. Great for cleaning loco wheels as well.
  10. What DCC decoder works best with the light functions working etc without too much tweaking? Just ordinary drive chip, not sound.
  11. Great video, thanks for the link
  12. Shinkansen thanks for your comments and also for your very helpful thread on Mark3's which is how I got started, just another 4 standards and a genny van to go!
  13. Finished off my first Mk3 standard coach yesterday, images at the links below. Sorry to the purists but I am working on an Irish Layout at the minute so Canada will have to do!
  14. Nice work.
  15. When did the Enterprise get a bell and K5L Nathan airhorn. That must be some of the worst sound dubbing ever!!!
  16. The coach is now completed using Railtec Transfers. See images at the below link
  17. Just starting to put some photos up on my flickr account of a visit to British Columbia, of course every photo will have a train in it. Super part of the world for super trains although the scenery is all right as well. http://www.flickr.com/photos/nirailfan/ Enjoy
  18. Thanks for the comments. I sold the Soo line and BC Rail locos at the weekend so as to get a Murphy 071.
  19. Just a few snaps of some motive power on my layout http://www.flickr.com/photos/nirailfan/
  20. Some pictures, Enjoy. http://www.flickr.com/photos/nirailfan/8144080544/in/photostream/
  21. Just put a picture on flickr of 112 with the IR window frames and the new light clusters but the engine fan cowling and fans are all blue and the name plate is still painted in the more traditional colours.
  22. Looking for some advice, after fitting the transfers/decals from Railtec what is best used to protect them from damage?
  23. Kyosho 1mm tape found it on ebay, worked very well
  24. Picture of a rather colourful one.
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