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Everything posted by NIRCLASS80

  1. 1mm masking tape, a bit of a pain!!
  2. Here is a link to a couple of pictures of my first attempt at respraying Mark 3 coaches in Irish Rail colours.
  3. For NIR 2 days late is still within "The Passengers Charter" targets for ontime performance!
  4. I think "Carrick Disaster" is harsh. I think we all forget that not so long ago there was 1 show per year. What I see at shows is layouts presented by the same people year after year and its not easy to find new layouts to show. The Ulster Model Club should be encouraged to find new layouts and continue with a show that does attract in the general public in the town and just might sow a seed in the mind of some of the children and hopefully future modellers. If you have never been to Cultra before if its the same as other year's bring a torch because the lighting is pathetic.
  5. Thanks for all the info, now lets get started!!!
  6. Could you please list the details of the Paint, lining and transfer types used in this project?? They look fantastic, well done.
  7. Here is a link to a fantastic assembled model bridge but only 27 inches long but you could get 2! http://www.blmamodels.com/cgi-bin/webstore/shop.cgi?ud=BQIHDQkADgACBxQUEBEcHAIFAgQCAgwFCQkTEQAA&t=main.blue.htm&storeid=1&cols=1&categories=01001-00021&&c=detail.blue.htm&t=main.blue.htm&itemid=5003
  8. A couple of photos of the latest Intermountain offerings. These run great.
  9. Some photos of the flyer with 112 http://www.flickr.com/photos/nirailfan/
  10. Hattons have put up there pre order price as £125 for the 071's.
  11. Using Lenz 100 system since 1996 and have never had any problems although I did get the software updated twice. Great piece of kit, not flash but great build quality.
  12. If it runs as well as it looks what the hell difference does it make who produces it, just buy plenty and then the 121 will soon follow.
  13. Posted a few old pictures of the 80's on my flickr account if anyone is interested.
  14. I am amazed at the number of model shops in the UK that must be selling Irish items at a loss just to keep us happy and then restock with the next Irish item released! On a separate note Bachmann UK once announced that all retailers paid the same cost price no matter what so does this mean that Hattons and co sell at a loss. We cannot expect our small model shops to have the same cheap prices but when shops in England can sell Irish 201's for between £40 to £20 cheap than shops on these shores then in these days when people are watching every penny they spend things will gradually get worse for our shops here.
  15. Great pics, really nice you will have to run it on those two lines in the foreground and get some stone down!!
  16. Here is a parcel which is designed to withstand any postal service. enjoy!!
  17. Got my set today, lovely models.
  18. Good fair price, I definitely get a pack if there not sold out by the weekend.
  19. Almost all Bachmann limited Editions are based on a run size of around 500 / 504 for the UK market the same as the Irish Market. Also the normal hopper can be rerun again for a twin pack with very little artwork. I would happily pay 15 to 20% for this excellent Irish edition but I think alot of people will get to the stage where enough is enough. At least with Murphys you pay the extra for Excellent Irish detailed models.
  20. Hi Retro, the Bachmann website shows clearly the Railtrack version is £37.75 rrp. It also shows yet to be released class 47's at £101.60 and if we look at Model Rail Mag Regional Class 47 yet to be released priced £115.95, mark up around 15% on the standard release. So why is it that yellow paint is so expensive or why the mark up of over 30%?? I cannot find any other example of such a ridiculous mark up. Just stating facts not nonsense.
  21. It really is hard to understand why these are priced so high. The typical mark up on Bachmann limited editions in the UK by shops and mags is around 15%. Railtrack hopper RRP by Bachmann for the UK market is £37.75 which means with 15% added would be £43.41. This works out much closer to the Euro price south of the border. The arm is stuck in that little bit further again for modelling irish and this must damage the chances of a quick turn over of stock and the standard wagons being released. I will wait and get my set in Euroland!
  22. No more of the railtour due to forgetting to charge both cameras!! A real Prat moment.
  23. A link to a few pictures of the RPSI Railtour in Portrush. http://www.flickr.com/photos/nirailfan/
  24. Certainly a couple of 170's done as NIR Caf's would be a must buy.
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