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Colin R

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Everything posted by Colin R

  1. Hi Guys I wonder if anyone can help here, I am looking for the size of container used on the Donegal marked as CIE it looks like it is half the size of a normal container, but it overhangs the wagon the photo I have in mind is on Page 89 in Des Coakham's book on narrow gauge rolling stock. It looks like a stand size container so any detail any one has would be welcome. Colin Rainsbury
  2. Now you have me thinking, it looks close enough for Tuma so include me in for one. if you can do the UK as well. Colin Rainsbury
  3. Cheers for the correction, we have so many railway based programmes at the moment it is sometime difficult to keep up. Colin
  4. I remember seeing those coaches on TV was it with Michael Portillo?
  5. Try this link John https://uk.hornby.com/catalogue/out-now?page=1
  6. Hi guys I know some of you are waiting for the Hattons coaches to become available, but as I understand it Hornby have just launched their own range as well:- https://uk.hornby.com/catalogue/train-sets-rolling-stock/coaches-coach-packs?encoded=TY5BDoIwEEWvwsZuiIkgIbKYuPAC7FwY0gztCERsm2lJ5PYCCrqbvPn_550dWz2oIP1QS4WBGsujDKMjyCI0Osqja0vURxeLqiUvejRNiaGF1rKpx_3wEPeuD8T-tk45JsuauILt9ezMhDtFFRx-EF8rLJI_ajSG2eJDZD1W2_RqWMHXJ96lebzccYnq4YXDhmSn4ZgUwlsOUx1OgklNSl66aW9OQJotSUje Hope you can enjoy these just as much. Colin Rainsbury
  7. We all get lazy when it comes to soldering and so to use the stuff from the DIY shop is a good start, the different types of solder 183/188 deg solder will require a bit of testing to get used to it, if you have a bit of scarp PCB to play with so you can hone your technique, the one thing I would add is don't hold the soldering iron on for to long as this will affect the PCB glue which holds the copper to the insulation, Also it is worth tinning the sleeper before you add the rail section, if that is the method you are planning to use. Sorry if this sounds like Gran ma being taught to suck eggs but the advice is give from someone who has managed to screw up some homemade track with out any help
  8. Hi Guys a couple more links for you, sorry they are both in the UK, but, it is worth looking. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l2632&_nkw=low+melt+solder&_sacat=180250 https://www.eileensemporium.com/materials-for-modellers/category/solder-flux-etc
  9. you might find the following links useful https://www.clfinescale.co.uk/knowledge-centre there are two parts which are worth reading 1 https://www.clfinescale.co.uk/copy-of-c-l-product-diagrams 2 https://www.clfinescale.co.uk/solderingtechniques you should also read this as well https://www.clfinescale.co.uk/healthandsafety While the above is a bit dated it will give you the basic type of solder to use and to obtain, I am sure there must be more that the Carr's range to buy in Ireland or via the Internet check soldering out on eBay I am sure there used to be someone who could sell you solder from France or Germany being in the EU and all that. Colin R
  10. Hi Guys, I wonder if anyone can help out here, i have just dragged out my five 00n3 Worsley Works etch brass coach kits that make up this 3ft gauge model train, I was wondering if anyone has come across any internal plans of where all the dividing walls where located in each coach, any internal details of each coach would also be welcome if you have that details as well. Regards Colin Rainsbury
  11. Can I make a suggestion, break the bigger project down into smaller workable sections and treat each project as an end to itself, it will keep you focused and the big picture won't look so daunting once you have say 5 or 6 mini projects completed. CJ Freezer always said get one basic loop working and then work out from that, at least then you can sit down and drink your coffee while the trains are moving. The advantage of this is you do not have to build all the point work to start with to get the layout operational; you only need to build those points which form part of the first main line circuit. Hope this advice helps
  12. I have a range of Worsley works coaches and a number of Ninelines wagon kits, I also have a few Alphagraphix card models which I am copying on to plasticard.
  13. While I am sitting here waiting for my results from the lastest Covid test, I was wondering how everyone is getting on with their books, the more I look into it the more I like it. To be on th safe side, I have a bit of clear plastic between me and the book in case I sneeze or cough. I have also now sorted out all my Ninelines Donegal Kits and in total I have about 40 kits to build, the plan is to just build the bodies for now untill I can get hold of some 10.5mm 8 spoke size wheel sets. Following on from this I will then think about doing some of the carriages I have in stock. I also need to build at least one steam loco to run on the new layout so that has to be fitted in as well, I do have a number of non Donegal steam locos in the works which include both Cavan 4-4-0T and Isle of Man 2-4-0T, but it all takes time and nothing is getting done while I sit donw and drink my lemsip and read the book. Colin
  14. Well my book turned up to day (I had to go and get it from the drop off point), so I have two issues with it, one it is blood good for information about just about every GSWR locomotive, the second is I was dissapointed that end on views where not included for both loco and tender drawings. One issue for anyone thinking about putting works drawings in books like this is please make sure you add the scale somewere to it, as a modellers book I will sit on the side of this one, I am however glad that it gives a lot of information about where they picked up the details of these drawings about these locos as this will make finding the information that much easier for everyone who will follow. Am I dissapointed with it? No not really it is a lauching pad for further reserch, books on Irish railways are at best as rare as hens teeth over here. One good thing is that any updates or more information will I am sure be published in New Irish Lines Magazine.
  15. Hi the understanding is this build the track to 21mm Back to Back so it is scale but then use EM standards for check rails etc. You can join the EM society and they can supply the track standard on a CD disc for you, or you can download them once you are a member, 5ft 3ins gauge concrete sleepers may be a problem. As a suggestion it might be worth buying a single length of Peco standard gauge concrete sleeper track with the right size rail, strip the rail carefully from the sleeper base and then once the PCB sleeper have been isolated from each side super glue the Peco sleepers on to the base. I suggest you cut them just outside of the pandrol clip and glue the two ends on the outside of the track, the concrete section in the middle you will have to play around with until it looks right. If that is too much faffing about for you, you might like to try just painting the PCB with a dirty concrete paint mix, at 2ft you will not notice just how accurate you have made them, if you plan to fill the space between with ballast. This is only a suggest for you to think about. Colin
  16. If there is as much detail in the book as I suspect, then the kit manufactures will have a field day ( we live in hope that a glute of Irish locomotive kits will come from this). Colin Rainsbury
  17. A good choice only 1000 have been printed so I am told, it appears a lot of them are going to people on this forum, may be someone in the IRRS should buy one for the library
  18. Have just been contacted by the publisher, now to sort out the Paypal bit and the book will be on its way
  19. I have contacted the publisher today so I hope I will get a response soon, then I can add it to the growing list of Irish Railway books, the next two items I need are a win on the euro lottery and secondly a bigger house for the book and model railway collections . Colin
  20. Thanks, sadly I can't get over to see it right now and at this rate I don't have a clue as to when that will be, but thanks for the heads up guys. I can see another book for you JHB, the proposed railways of Ireland, I would buy a copy if you included typical designs of building by the proposed railway company it would appeal to modellers I am sure. From the research I have done on the Donegal, I have come to the conclusion that there were four different design periods of the railway line from Donegal to Killysbeg and the Ballyshannon lines have different architecture, the main line as I call it from Strabane to Stranorlar had a more robust design and both the Letterkenny and the Glenties branches also had different but typical Irish narrow gauge designs based on typical department of works designs. I am thinking it would be possible to come up with a generic station building which could be used for Irish Modellers, A brick version for anyone who wants a GNR(I) style building, a stone version for mostly anywhere else and possibly a rendered version for some of the more important stations around Ireland, this could be done on the same basis as the many way Peco station kit, the big difference for Irish station buildings is the use of arched windows, I know this is a very simplistic view of station buildings but if you have the basics you can modify them to your hearts content. Colin R
  21. Hi guys, I know it is a wonderful thing to be able to just sit back and look through the pile of model railway magazines and books if you are looking for that one piece of information, but I am now thinking that it could be on line somewhere. The information I am seeking is the proposed extensions to both the Donegal and Swilly lines to help relive the congestion of the North West part of Ireland, after the potato faming in the 1880’s. I am sure I have seen a map and a drawing of all the proposals for the area somewhere but can I recall it? No. Thanks once again for any help given. Colin Rainsbury
  22. Sounds like a new Donegal book is in the making for both railways, it appears that these railways are finding there feet when it comes to publicity, the modelling charm of both Donegal railways does not fade and any new photo albums that come along with photos about both lines I have not seen before, will alway be welcome. Colin R
  23. Hi Guys to kick this one of we already have The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara, I will follow this up with the First Great Train Robbery with Sean Connery. However I am not sure what locos and rolling stock was used in that film and if any of it still survives? A third film with even less information was the one based on the West Clare Railway, All I know was that one of the steam locos got an unsual livery for its appearance in the film that in fact saved it from the scrap man. Does anyone know the name of the film and what it was all about? A forth film I recalling seeing once had Spencer Tracy in it, I think it was black and white he play the role of a priest I think chasing a villian around Ireland after he had murdered someone, the Sci fi effects for the time where very good, the closing bit of the film had the villian struck down by a thunderbolt or hand of god after Spencer Trancy denounced him as a murderer, all good stuff. I am sure there are other films showing Irish Railways but I don't know the names of them, any help would be appricated with the films and rolling stock that can be seen in them. Colin Rainsbury
  24. I recall there is somewhere on here a thread about this book and as it turned out, it is not as usefull as we had hoped, it is good for the basic dimensions but that is about it. In the new year I will purchase a copy of the IRRS CD of coach drawings, what exactly is on the CD i don't know but I am told there are a lot of drawings which I will find to be useful. Colin R
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