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Grange Castle

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Everything posted by Grange Castle

  1. And some announcement it is too ! Right up my street, had a great chat with Paddy about it. Photo doesn't do it justice at all.
  2. Grange Castle Gardai finally received their new uniforms this week. Roads Policing unit detaining a shoplifter they've come across, quickly assisted by public order unit after a few locals turned hostile.
  3. 10 hours ago, DJ Dangerous said: Is that a Tiny City police van? Lovely! Yeah it's a tiny Merc Sprinter, there's a tiny iveco on the way too, not quite finished yet
  4. Newest Garda vehicle on its way to join the fleet.
  5. Small update Station is now built (Terry Ottley) its based on Dunboyne as I want to have a modern style station. I've designed a footbridge to match which will hopefully be done soon.
  6. The Irish Rail / Stobart Rail Civil Engineering partnership has commenced and equipment has started to assemble at Grange Castle ahead of the project to rebuild the Station area. Works include Realignment of track Ballasting Building of platforms (currently passengers have to jump ) Installation of shelters and Bus set down areas to front of the Station. Project is expected to take anything from couple of weeks to couple of years depending on a number of factors, mainly consisting of time available, mood, football on TV and whether or not beers need to be consumed
  7. Something which will feature a lot in Grange Castle is the Emergency Services. Mostly made up of Dublin Fire Brigade, Garda, Irish Coastguard and Civil Defence. Here we have a response to a Fire Alarm activation in the Station
  8. Simply superb great detail
  9. Some more of the buses seeing daylight again
  10. They were actually all releases. The latest ones ( 13A & 51B) are from IRM, the 25A and 103 are from Britbus and were released a long time ago. The 103 is actually modelled on a cityswift that was on loan to Bus Eireann at the time and carries Bus Eireann markings along the side. Rare enough the 103 model, apparently some of the batch was lost which makes it even more scarce.
  11. Can't believe I've left it so long to get my arse in gear, opened box 2 and forget I actually had some of this Think I've had 2 Xmas mornings this week
  12. Some more unboxing
  13. Evening lads. Haven't posted in a long time although I have been keeping an eye on the site. A lot of what I see posted has me very jealous ! And although I haven't posted I have continued collecting so hopefully this year I will really get stuck into putting it all together. For the moment I might just post some of what I have in the hope it gives me the kick I need to get the layout built. The layout is set in West Dublin and will be a decentralised transport hub it will have a 4 track station accommodating Intercity, Commuter and eventually Dart West services. A bus hub at the train station will provide services to Airport and Ferryport via m50 as well as local and expressway services meaning passenger traffic can avoid city centre. The plan also includes a stobart/irish rail depot which will be the drop off point for containers going to Dublin port. Layout is running around attic so has decent amount of track length. But a word of warning, I very much plan this to be MY layout, there WILL be eras mixed, wrong stock running together, stuff that's generally wrong etc. I'll be honest I don't know the details on trains etc, I just like them ! I don't mind negative feedback, I will learn bits along the way. Anyway thanks lads I'll post a few bits I uncover in the boxes over the next while.
  14. Bloody water tank! Sorry thought I had uploaded the clip with no sound
  15. 20200502_194638.mp4 Operation Fanacht in full swing on Grange Castle Main St.
  16. Model v the real thing These type of pics always remind me of the "small..... far away" in Fr Ted
  17. Hi Guys, Been away from here for a long time but still at the hobby. Vehicles have been piling up and hopefully I'll really get stuck into the layout soon. For now heres a few Garda cars at the end of a pursuit of a Golf into the local flats complex
  18. Hi folks Its been a while since i was on here. Good news is the baseboard and attic is complete, only took about 3 years but I got there in the end. Not much done layout wise but hopefully it'll kick off soon i'll update along the way, hopefully i'll have something more to show soon but for now here's a spar that i did
  19. For anyone interested this is the list of extra atlas editions stobart vehicles that have been confirmed, 4649132 Scania R440 Drawbar Sustainable Distribution - Trailer no: Not known Calista Madison M344 PE61 KOX 4649133 Volvo FH Curtainside - Delivering Sustainable Distribution Phoebe Grace H4500 PX1O DJV 4649134 Scania Topline Fridge - Temperature Controlled Distribution Shona H132 PXI2 NYL 4649135 MAN TG XXL Refrigerated Curtainside - Temperature Controlled Distribution Ava Rose H6088 T20 ESL 4649136 Volvo FH Walking Floor- Biomass Sofia Taylor H4939 KX63 MZL 4649137 Scania 143M Short Curtainside - Script Lettering (Classic) Bumble Bette H158 N158 XAO 4649138 Volvo FH Skeletal/Container - Stobart Rail Container Style 2 Victoria Jade H4941 KX63 MZO 4649139 Scania Highline Curtainside - Delivering Sustainable Distribution Adrienne H5699 PL10 AMK 4649140 MAN TGX XLX Curtainside - Trans Store Logistics Caitlin Elizabeth H6098 PX58 EJA 4649141 Scania Highline Fridge - Steady Eddie Matilda H6668 PJI3 GAA
  20. I think the Airport vehicles have best names, such as Loo-ise and Loo-Loo, the toilet waste collection vehicles, Aqua, the fresh water supply and Cand-ice the de-icer.
  21. Oh a stobart quiz now i should get this right if not my love of all things stobart is slipping I'm going for..... Optimus Prime and Valentino.
  22. I am actually too young, by 5 months to be precise lol. God i havent been " Too young" for something for a long time
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