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Grange Castle

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Everything posted by Grange Castle

  1. I think June was mentioned when they were originally announced.
  2. Nice one Kevin, hadn't seen the Garda one had been released. I'll be ordering a couple myself
  3. Bus Eireann van now released !
  4. That is stunning i'd love one of them !
  5. Problem with a depot tour here I imagine would be the lack of actual depots, they have the Dublin port site but the only ones similar to the UK would be Tesco Warehouse in Donabate or Tesco/Keelings Warehouse in Ballymun. I see the nexy Stobartfest is to be announced in the next fortnight so I think i'll be having a little trip to the UK soon Also they are teaming up with truckfest and will have a few of their " well known Drivers " and trucks at their shows although they are ticket only where stobartfest is usually free.
  6. Thanks kevin, I have it in my watch list already Not sure if i like it too much though, some of those code 3 er's just basically stick a stobart sign on anything and try to sell them for mad prices. Main thing that puts me off most of the code 3's is the cabs, they need to be fleet wrapped ones, a simple swap out of the cabs would make a big difference. Now i'd love if someone would do one of these http://www.mallaghan.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/STOBARTAIR-TA4500-DEICER-CAND-ICE-3.jpg.jpg cracking machine altogether, cand-ice is her fleet name.
  7. Yeah other haulage firms hate them but i think thats the same as the UK, they are fierce competion if your in that game, i work with stobart (not directly) everyday and i have to say i just love their fleet ok i know its all leased but by god most of them are immaculate. I'm in the club myself and love Ch 5 on a fri night ! sad or what. Just waiting for news on stobartfest for this year to organise a trip over. For stobart models I'd have done anything ha ha
  8. This would defo get my vote too, I think they would look fantastic !
  9. Definately worth it, great job done on them. God them dual doors have always been a problem for Dublin Bus (seems to be starting again too) we cant even get a model because of them haha Ah sure we can do what the driver used to do years ago, get a Dual door, take up one of the seats and ram it between the centre doors
  10. Maybe Brian might have a go, hint hint Brian I'd love to see this on general release. Well done they models to be proud of
  11. Wow ! Beautiful models.
  12. Jesus Dave, looks like a different room, plenty of storage space under there, although its a drop in the ocean of the storage space you need haha !
  13. Ha ha very good I could do with one and maybe a stobart one to
  14. Very very nice, I'm well jel !
  15. Not sure what, if any will go on oxford general release, instead oxford seem to be using the casting for other company liveries, but any that do go on general release will be a hit in Ireland, the stobart following in Ireland is gathering pace. If your wholesaler gets anything can you keep me in the loop ? Brian you say you buy from the stobart club, are you a member ?
  16. Great idea and well finished by the looks of it. Fair play Dave i'm sure you'll get a load of orders for these ! And they are great value.
  17. Ah if i knew you where giving up i'd have told you. Hopefully you can pick up where you left off. Although on the plus side if you do have to start again the first two are nice and you can never have too many of them. Not gone on 3 & 4 though.
  18. Wow ! Absolutely stunning, great job !
  19. Yes Brian/Kevin this was the problem, I emailed them several times and each time told no. Not sure but I heard it might be licence related i.e they haven't permission to sell the stobart brand outside the UK. That could be completely wrong but it sounds possible. But never one to give up I've found a way and i'm now recieving the atlas range directly.... But i'm only at the start and they only send one out every 3-4 weeks so its gonna take awhile ! For me getting them direct is just a safetynet so i dont miss out on any hard to get ones. I'll still be buying a few of each if possible, only modern livery though, not into the old look
  20. Hi Brian, yeah a few of the models will make it to the the club shop however some will remain " Atlas Exclusive" I've been told. But no-one seems to be sayin which ones. The tanker is a nice model think i'll be picking up a few more as if rumours are to be believed the tankers are to hit irish roads soon. I got a list way back of the planned Atlas releases however there have been changes and nothing is confirmed, 4649101 Volvo FH GXL 6x2 4649102 Scania Topline 4649103 Atkinson Border 4649104 AEC Ergo Tipper 4649105 Volvo FH12 Box Mode 4649106 Man TGX Curtains 4649107 Atkinson 6-Wheel 4649108 Man 4-Wheel Box 4649109 Scania Horsebox 4649110 Ford Cargo 4-Wheel 4649111 Scania 94 6-Wheel 4649112 Scania Horsebox 4649113 Van Hool DD Coach 4649114 DAF 2800 4x2 Curtain 4649115 DAF 2200 4x2 Curtain 4649116 Ford Cargo 4 Wheel 4649117 DAF 2800 4x2 Cur 4649118 DAF 2200 4x3 Cur 4649119 Iveco Eurostar 4 Wheel 4649120 Train 4649121 Scania Top Line Drawe 4649122 Scania 96 6 Wheel 4649123 Yamaha XS Eleven 4649124 Transit X 2 Merc 4649125 Volvo 6 Wheel Cur 4649126 DAF FA95 Drawbar 4649127 Mercedes Box 4649128 Scania Topline Box 4649129 Scania 112/113 4x2 4649130 Man 4 Wheel Box Now make of that what you will, I've heard 2 versions of what the " Train " will be one is sayin its a non powered model of an engine or rolling stock the other is sayin it that it is a stobart rail livery vehicle which could be the container stacker. I've also heard there is a car transporter on the way but i havent been told yet if its in the atlas range or not. Hope this is of some help Regards Jonny.
  21. I pick most of them up of ebay Kevin but the problem is as the Atlas releases goes on the newer models are harder to get and prices on ebay are shocking, but i look for the items which aren't attracting too much attention and that are worded differently ( people leaving off 1/76 or Atlas in the listing could easily save a tenner or more ! ) I picked up this coach for £25 stg but i have seen them go for £60stg so it pays to hold off and wait. The biomass truck I got for 30 stg next day three where listed for £70-£80, all sold. Even at the prices i pay the seller is making a nice profit but the high end sellers are raking it in !
  22. Hi Kevin, yes its from the Atlas range, photos are muck and dont do it justice. A few more Atlas Stobarts to be released, including a container stacker which I'm dying to get my hands on ! Also picked up a stobart tanker which is nice too. This Atlas/stobart collection is having a great knock on effect for oxford with all the new castings available for oxford to hammer out, e.g horsebox, fridge cab/trailer, container stacker. I'll try and get a pic soon of all my stobarts together. Also picked up a Class 66 Stobart rail loco and a rake of 8 megafrets with stobart/less co containers which will start off my Irish Rail/stobart partnership
  23. Great find ! Don't think I've been on a DART travelling that fast for a long time !
  24. This beauty arrived yesterday, out of all my Stobart's, this is by far my favourite
  25. New arrival to GrangeCastle. Seen as how I like Stobart and Buses, this is perfect for me:D
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