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Grange Castle

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Everything posted by Grange Castle

  1. Cheers Brian. Hopefully I'll get to finish them off soon. I'll post up pics when they are finished.
  2. Nothin better than a nice grease dripping whopper Didn't which of the main 3 to feature, tried mackers but the BK signage turned out better especially the ones in the windows.
  3. Ah who ya tellin. Always gets put on the long finger Theres just so much to do before I can start. If it was just a straight forward room it'd be done already. But hopefully it'll be wired in the next 3-4 weeks so that will be another step closer. Then the insulation, boarding and installation of a couple of velux will be next on the to do list before the baseboards start. But I'm hoping when its done i'll have built up a lot of stock to really get stuck into the layout
  4. All are based on this DFB models done so far are D21, D22, D25 ( Dolphins Barn ) D71, D72 (Tallaght) still a bit of modification to do on them i.e lightbar painted, reg plate changed and rear beacon removed and D25 needs ladders removed and equipment placed on top.
  5. Thanks Kevin, I wouldn't have even attempted it only for you persuading me to try it. Have transfers but sods law, as i went to print them the ink went in the printer so i'll sort that later. I've also done a Burger King drive thru, not a kit, a bachmann building just made a few transfers for it. And next job is a Hornby fine foods supermarket converted to a SPAR. Gone a bit of a building buzz lately
  6. Cheers Bos ! Its a hornby roadside cafe from a few years ago but they are still knocking around if you look hard enough. Got this one on ebay a few months ago. Couple of signs maybe a splash of paint and it could look a lot better. The trolley bay came from a layout that was being dismantled and sold off in pieces.
  7. Ok so I've taken the plunge a tried out a kit build. Based on Kevrail's Tesco Ive made a start. I was surprised how easy it was to put together, I have the kit months but was afraid to attempt it, i know this is probably the simplest kit you can get but i kept imagining myself with fingers glued together and pieces stuck in the wrong place but it went smoothly. Still a lot of detailing to be done but its a start
  8. Cheers Brian Should have a few more pics up during the week of Dublin clamper van, Dublin Fire Brigade engines and a couple of others.
  9. Looks great wiggy, love the view
  10. Bit of an update, I've not been on the forum for a while due to the laptop not working. Few new models arriving at Grange Castle. I'll try and put up more pics during the week. I'll start with the recent expansion of the Grange Castle Garda fleet, got 2 of each, so no cuts to the Garda fleet here
  11. Looking great Kevin If my layout looks half as good as yours when i'm done i'll be very happy ! Finally took the plunge and had a go at the ' TESCO ' kit. I was dredding it when i opened the box but as soon as i started it i didnt want to stop and by the time i was finished i felt like i could build anything It looks ok and i'm quite chuffed with it but i want to add a few details and signs to it before i'd call it finished. I'll post up a few pics when its done. I owe thanks to you Kevin as it was your encouragement which made me attempt it
  12. Absolutely fantastic. Love it !
  13. Stunning ! EV 64 has special place with me as it was used for my wedding and as i'm a bus nut c/road were good enough to personalise the displays for me and the missus
  14. Some more Garda cars on their way to Grange Castle, Traffic Corps Vectra's this time
  15. Very nice !!! I already have them but sure theres no harm in getting a few more
  16. Thats the one, knew it started with B haha. I've ran my wagons on a test oval with a set of points on it and there where no obvious problems. Anything in particular i should look outfor ?
  17. Stick me down for a few containers :-) The loco i have is eddie the engine theres is another available called bertie ( i think ) Any idea when containers are due ?
  18. Yes I think a few of them are needed to go with what I have so far.. (sorry poor pic quality) Are you getting any in Brian ? The teletubby is a nice model, as are the horseboxes, the silver one is a beaut !
  19. To put a load in the trailer might require a bit of cutting work as it looks like they've covered the top with tarpaulin similar to the stobart biomass, i could be wrong though
  20. Well done Kevin, they make a great addition to an already fantastic looking layout
  21. That's one that'll be on my order list, thanks for posting Brian.
  22. They look superb !
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