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Grange Castle

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Everything posted by Grange Castle

  1. Now this is what I call modelling ! For me my modelling skills stop at being able to open the box to take my RTR loco out. You've done a fine job so far they look fantastic !
  2. Love the Black and White footage. Superb detail, great layout Anto.
  3. I think these two are little beaut's. Couple of these will be making their way to Grangecastle i think !
  4. Cheers Dave, but only modern stobarts for me I think you should start up a stobart corner Dave with these two. As far as I know the container belongs to a stobart steam loco another 500 piece issue. Doesn't seem to be any takers yet...
  5. Really nice collection there ! I used to collect DHL but that was a while ago and I sold on most of it since. When I saw your pictures I couldn't help but want to shout I'M SORRY WILSON ha ha.
  6. For anyone who missed it today Aer Tv will be showing some of it on demand on their website. They had major problems streamig it live and their coverage is not exactly Sky Sports like, but it gives you an idea of what it was like, sit back and enjoy http://www.aertv.ie/live/flightfest/ I had this streaming live with laptop hooked up to the tv and flight radar on another screen while duckig in and out of the garden to see them overhead and to see the ones using Baldonnel take off / land.
  7. Great pics !
  8. Watched it online and from the garden also had flight radar on ! Great selection of aircraft and the weather picked up. No rain for the show itself bit dull at times and windy but went very well I thought. I'm quite near baldonnel so i got to see a lot of aircraft lower than they would have seen in the city centre. The A380 even went over my garden
  9. Irish Stobart If only it was 1/76
  10. Lots of Dublin Bus ! A city imp for starters (mini bus and single decker ) a VT, EV and definately something in cityswift livery..... Away from DB i'd like to see anaircoach and bus eireann double deck. Failing all that i'd just be glad of anything Irish :-) ( and modern ) !
  11. Love the reach stacker ! I'm waiting for the Stobart one to come out
  12. My old bus route and new together ! They are simply stunning.
  13. A stobart 201 would fit nicely into my collection
  14. Will be there Sun ( Hopefully )
  15. Good stuff, ya done well there !
  16. Thanks Kevin Although I had hoped to have been doing my own decals by now it hasnt happened, I'm still relying on others to do them for me, but i have started to do any painting required which so far has been minimal but its a stepping stone. My next plan is to paint up a few oxford white models into an post green and get them decaled so we'll see how that goes. Have to say I love the road vehicle side of the hobby, cant get enough of them. The garda and stobart fleet i have is bordering on a joke but i cant stop. I'm always trying to think of new vehicles to do. From the ones I've done so far, I most like the An Post van and Dublin Fire Brigades which I finished last night. Jonny.
  17. Thanks Eamon Re reging the van is on the to do list, but the thoughts of sitting down to them is killing me, they are fiddly feckers to say the least but once i start them I'll stick at them. Just have to hide them from excise till then Jonny.
  18. Thanks Tom That sounds like a strange sight alright. Yes the FUSO is 1/87. I got two of them already decaled on ebay (uk) Try German ebay you might find a blank one on there now and again, I saw a while back. I find the german site great for vehicles. Also Best Toys do a canter in 1/76 scale in a couple of different styles and colours, I'm going get one turned into a Brennans truck eventually. They're about £10 - £ 15 stg, I think they came from Hong Kong if i remember right. They do an IKEA one which looks good for a base model. Thanks, Jonny.
  19. This was a split destination release, one carries cork the other carries galway on destination boards. As kevin and northman have already suggested they are quite hard to find. They were a limited run, off the top off my head i think it was 1500 pieces. They pop up from time to time on ebay. The last one i got was last month and i got it for 20 pound sterling which was a bargain. I have seen them go for a lot more.
  20. Now I like the sound of that ! Which ones ? Stick up a pic if ya get a chance.
  21. Thanks Enniscorthyman yeah a couple of decals are not quite right on some of them, but I think they generally look ok. The next An Post vehicles planned are a green transit, green box lorry and a green tractor/trailer, but not for a little while yet. If you have any pics you think may help that would be great.
  22. Beautiful ! Great photos Anthony. Nice collection of buses there.
  23. That space is almost identical to the space where I plan to put my layout. I've moved my water tank and installed a stira stairs so far, insulation, foil, velux winodws and wiring left. I was worried that it my not be possible to use the space in between the rafters but seeing this has reassured me. Cant wait to see how this develops. It looks great so far and that plan looks like a genius use of space. Best of luck with the project !
  24. Hi Train Model, its a cararama 1/80 refuse truck. The odd one pops up on ebay from time to time and they are not too expensive. I also got a cararama road sweeper to match ! Pic was awful though so I didnt upload it. I'll try to get better pics up later.
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