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B113 class Sulzer options?

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I'm considering options for a model of CIE B113 class (B&T or green livery) over the winter. Having researched the forum it appears there were two model incarnations, a beautiful scratch built series of 12 by a modeller called Gareth about five years ago, or the Shapeways body, both running on Bachmann class 20 centre drive chassis. Obviously none of the scratch built ones for sale, so it looks like either a scratch build or bodge the shapeways:


  1. Are there any other alternatives I've missed?
  2. Does anybody have a link to plans of a B113?
  3. Has anybody had any example of success improving the shapeways body which seems a) incorrect at the cab end, b) lacks roof detail, and c) rough finish to say the least? (richie's belt of a shovel comes to mind) :)


Thanks in advance.


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Always thought a model version of the North Wall goods yards and shunting / transfer freights there would be fascinating, though a lot of compromise in space would be needed.


Such a thing would be an ideal home for B113 and B114 in the early 1960s, and would also allow both CIE and some GNR steam, as well as various CIE diesels.

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Always thought a model version of the North Wall goods yards and shunting / transfer freights there would be fascinating, though a lot of compromise in space would be needed.


Such a thing would be an ideal home for B113 and B114 in the early 1960s, and would also allow both CIE and some GNR steam, as well as various CIE diesels.


In a way space is less of a problem in modelling an old style goods yard than a passenger station, with minimalist scenery and no station platforms you can fill most of the baseboard with track.


Canada Road http://www.emgauge70s.co.uk/layout_alloa.html is an inspiration for what can be achieved in a small space.

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