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Everything posted by Georgeconna

  1. Hi there, A chap rung me today saying he cant get past the question about who made the 141 despite giving the correct answer. Can you sned me a PM and I will give you his Tel number and you might be able to text or email him some help on this. tks George
  2. Here is the complete list of who there and what to expect, Check out the Facebook page for more info: https://www.facebook.com/CorkModelFair Over all it is a mix of exhibits/ Displays and sellers trade and private so hopefully will encourage a few people to take up a new hobby or even re-energise one they had before with a bit of inspiration on what they will see. Diecastmodels4u http://www.diecastmodels4u.ie/ M&M Diecast Models: http://mandmdiecastmodels.com/crane-diecast-models.html Studio Scale Models: http://www.studio-scale-models.com/ Model Rail Baseboards: http://www.modelrailbaseboards.com/default.html Michael Morris Card Kits Dublin Model Shop AKA Walshies: http://www.dublinmodelshop.com/ Max Decals: http://maxdecals.com/ New IAC Decal Sheet out now RB Productions: http://www.radubstore.com/ Atlantic Model Boat Club Detail Matters http://detailmatters.co.uk/ Flesichmann HO Model Railway 16ft US N Gauge Model Railway Connaton N Gauge Model Railway Wellingtonbheag N Gauge Irish Model Railway Kieran Nolan - William Britain's Collectable Model Soldiers. http://www.wbritain.com/newrelease.cfm IMPS Ireland - Cork Branch Shamrock Miniatures - http://www.shamrockminiatures.com/en/webshop/home Decs Model Garages http://www.decsmodelgarages.com/page_1.html Jeff Pike - Model Railways Dermot Allen - Model Railways Flor Hurley - Plastic Kits David Moore - Plastic Kits Vincent Russell / George Norman Plastic Kits Roy Mckay - Plastic Kits George Harvey - Vintage Plastic Kits Leo Healy / Paul Good - Plastic Kits Tanks Ron Heaphy -Diecast / Kits / Railways Kevin Meany - Model Railways Mark Dunlea - Model Railways + DCC Smoke n Sound Layout Gary OBrien - WWI Memorabilia Chris Larkin - Irish Railway Memorabilia Joe OToole Model Railways Paudie Riordan - Model Railways Steve Fitzpatrick - Build Model Kits for sale Richie Lee - Model Railways Joe Lawton - Model Railways Brian Desmond - Plastic Kits Leo Spillane - Vintage Diecast Brendan Buckley - WWII 1/72 Models and Dioramas. Open From 11am.
  3. just an update - All Scale Models and Chris Larkin with Irish Railway and West Cork Railway Memorabilia will be attending.
  4. Been busy over the last few days but time is not aplenty due to the other half working late evenings, Downside of the cabin is I cant leave the kids inside on their tod so stuck inside the house and the work rate has plummeted... Done a 071 for myself this week and bunged a sound chip in, Eamons Vids really show the best of the sound off. I have some Taras built of which is one behind the loco. As my tripod is loaned to fiend I have not got shots of those.Had these done for some time but had to finish them off.
  5. Jim spreading the word frm Hawkins street it seems, If it is there which it does not look like it is it would be worth the trip up on Monday for sure. Mind you driving 4 hours in the rain that is forecast does not seem like good fun.
  6. Marks only have the Irish ones, I picked up a mine at an airshow in July, Hope to be able to get some more at Scale Model World in Telford. I believe they can send to Europe now from what I have read on another board so best give them a ring and see what the current Situation is. Most people at this stage have this postal problem overcome with couriers
  7. Function 15 on the DCC sound Decoder!! LOL
  8. Bitteen of Video. Forgive the Ladies gabbing in the Background
  9. Another dit done today, come up for lunch they said!!, 3 hours work and the Fun bit you could say was started. We saw the 1st engineering trains run on the loop to check clearances etc...any excuse. The Coach brought the directors up to inspect the work.
  10. No Thats DCC Fitted. This one: http://www.marksmodels.com/?pid=10555
  11. Marks Models have knocked this one down to E119.99, Its the Blue 4 Car EMU. Gonna get one of these myself now!!
  12. I heard last week that Adavoyle was going to make an appearance this year but now I take it is not the case from as it is not on the list?
  13. How good does that look with the Bell Containers!!! nice one ECM...
  14. Sometimes the clubs have had enough of Exhibiting after a year nearly gone, I found that out with the Cork Fair No Clubs were available to attend. You have additional expenses to meet as well for Traveling to and from the exhibition so sometimes it aint worth the lay out(forgive the pun). A club needs to be started in Cork really....
  15. Still tipping away over the past few days, Time is difficult to come by as herself is working nights so kids need to be looked after. Using Microsol which softens the decals over a gloss surface this works the decal into the nooks and crannies, never go without the stuff The Cabs were Sanded down with some 2000 grade wet n dry The cabs were masked off and chassis n cabs sprayed with the delightful grey colour The Cabs yellow areas were masked off,make sure you get these on straight as it looks a bit off when done wrong not to mention the waste of time correcting it...Believe me!!!! The yellow was sprayed using Revell Satin Yellow. Nice finish and Dries quick too. Also on the go is one of these. I have two to make...MIR 071, Its been re-scribed which takes a fair bit of time.. Also a couple of coaches came through the door and using some 1mm masking tape to mask the Lining off these have come up quite nice. thats all for now..Off now to listen to the End of Eds indie Disco on Today FM...
  16. Just been flying this baby today, Its second flight. All EPO Foam. 6 Channel, 125mm Wing span (just gets into the Car) Twin Brushless EDF,3300MA Battery and it flies and sounds like the real deal along with a Fantastic Performance. Bring on the Next good day!!!
  17. Great post, If you aint been to the Isle of Man go, Its a great place, Load of Railway stuff and 100 of other things to see as well!!
  18. Mrks Models Will be there, Surprise!! Those into Plastic kits will have the IPMS Nationals on as well http://forum.ipmsireland.com/topic/8703325/1/.
  19. Were ok for now but should the need happen ill be in touch, Do you have Points as well as could do with maybe another 1 or 2.?
  20. Don't worry its not me:eek::eek:
  21. A couple of hours spent again on the Garden Railway, This time we finished off the flyover and bridge with shuttering and poured the Cement in. Also filled the Gaps in the Block work and eased out a curve I did no like as it was just too tight and put some shuttering around the outside to make it a bit more presentable. Also started work in the Bridge piling (concrete block) and now working out how to make the bridge. To Electric fence post in the piccy will probably do the trick. Loads of Craic to be had Literally!! I hope to have two days off this week and depending on the weather and If I can get the sprogs looked after by someone else for the day the track will be started. Cheers George
  22. Plenty going on with the large scale. Is it next to the Transport Museum. Are those engines mostly built by locals? Smashing stuff there..
  23. The Cork Branch if the Irish Railway Record Society will be holding their AGM as well as a Slide show by Ken Fox tonight from 1930hrs in the Metropole Hotel, McCurtin Street. Ken Fox will be presenting a slide show in Irish Railways over the past number of Decades. Looking forward to this one!! Cheers George
  24. Hi Lads, Just wondering if you know if any alternatives for the procurement of 141 sound decoders. I know the Belfast shop do them but I need them asap for a project and there is a bit of a waiting list by all accounts? Are the Available from the Soundguy direct at all or any other source? Maybe time to by a programmer.... tks George
  25. Thank god, Saves me doing a repaint of one!!
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