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Everything posted by iarnrod

  1. All UK railway items €10 each. IR Working Timetable €15. Locomotives of the GNRI €20. Locomotives and Rolling Stock of Irish Rail and NIR €20. Open to reasonable offers. Collection preferred but can post either by An Post or Parcel Motel. Postage extra. Will only post to ROI addresses.
  2. What area does the next book cover?
  3. Thanks Stephen. Jan 1st is the definition of uncertainty for sure.
  4. Any plans for the Dublin warehouse to also stock Accurascale items?
  5. Has anyone attempted to remove the CAWS/radio pods from the bonnet of either of the CIE Supertrain locos? Just curious if these are glued on or if there is a hole remaining if removed.
  6. Thanks. I meant transfers for the hi-vis panels on each end. The lights would be an interesting modification to make. Paddy includes the red lights as a part in the accessories bag, as some locos had these higher up on the body. Who would have thought a class of 15 locos could have so many differences?
  7. 126 was the only loco that I have so far found photographic evidence of with the four marker lights on each end. Any link to a photo of 130 in this configuration? As for the dayglo, it could in theory be possible to approach Railtec and get them to do a dayglo panel transfer for the 121's.
  8. So did 126. Should add that it's not my photo, but a Flickr link (when you paste the link, it seems to show as a photo on the forum) The lights on the IR locos is even more strange when you consider that the correct tooling exists, and they all should have the same marker light configuration as 129, but without the incorrect bulb issue obviously. Also, from speaking to PM at the last Dublin model exhibition, one of the IR locos was supposed to have dayglo panels too, so somehow that also got lost along the way from plans to production. They are still cracking models, and likely to be the only 121's in town for a long time to come, so for most and myself included, it will be a case of living with some of the issues. Paddy also alluded to the amount of work that had gone into these locos at the same exhibition, and I'm sure that he would be as disappointed as anyone if there are issues with the final product. I still take my hat off to the guy for releasing these models, which amount to the most highly detailed and high specification Irish loco released so far.
  9. IR era were incandescent. LEDs were an IE era thing from 2000 onwards.
  10. Looks to me like some of the handrails have actually snapped off on that loco and took some of the orange paint with them in the process. Unsure if re-inserting them is an option for some of the stanchions. These locos are the dog's dangly bits, but are so fragile, that even well packaged, are likely to suffer some damage if they encounter any rough handling at all during their journey in the postal/courier system. This particular loco didnt stand a chance in hell of arriving in one piece with that packaging unfortunately.
  11. Side rails should be attached to the loco. Your ones appear to have broken off in transit. Was there any other packaging (e.g. bubblewrap) on the loco apart from being placed in an over-sized flimsy box? Doesn't appear to be from the photos, which is really bad form for a loco that costs €190. My advice would be return it to wherever you purchased it.
  12. Nope, stencilling and the 'S' wouldnt be on earlier Supertrain period locos. Also, certain detail on the bonnet roof would indicate CAWS era. Tablet catchers had been removed from all locos by end of 1984.
  13. Already answered a few posts back on this thread.
  14. Any photos of the Supertrain versions yet? Does anyone know if these come with or without tablet catchers?
  15. The Railways and Britains Nuclear Industry €7.50 Direct Rail Services €7.50 Modern Locomotives Illustrated Class 37 - The New Era €7.50 Modern Locomotives Illustrated Class 68 and 88 €7.50 Modern Locomotives Illustrated Class 66 Part 2 €7.50 Irish Rail Working Timetable 1987 €10 Irish Rail Working Timetable 1993 €10 CIE Working Timetable 1978 €10 Locomotives of the GSR €30 Locomotives of the GNRI €30 Payment by Paypal only if posting or cash on collection by arrangement. Postage at cost or Parcel Motel also an option (cheaper).
  16. Interesting sentence on the 'Future Plans' section of the MM website which reads : As of September 2020 we have no plans for future models now that the Class 121 is on sale.
  17. Have a large quantity of duplicate IRRS Journals that I am looking to sell. These are duplicates that I picked up over time as I was filling the gaps in my own collection. Condition ranges from Good to Very Good in book terms. Happy to provide photos of specific issues if required. Can be collected from Dublin City Centre or Wicklow by prior arrangement or posted at cost by normal post or Parcel Motel (cheaper). Issues available are as follows : 43 June 1967 44 Oct 1967 45 Feb 1968 54 Feb 1971 56 Oct 1971 58 June 1972 60 Feb 1973 61 June 1973 62 Oct 1973 103 June 1987 104 Oct 1987 105 Feb 1988 106 June 1988 116 Oct 1991 117 Feb 1992 118 June 1992 119 Oct 1992 120 Feb 1993 121 June 1993 122 Oct 1993 123 Feb 1994 124 June 1994 125 Oct 1994 126 Feb 1995 ***ON HOLD*** 127 June 1995 ***ON HOLD*** 128 Oct 1995 ***ON HOLD*** 129 Feb 1996 130 June 1996 131 Oct 1996 135 Feb 1998 136 June 1998 137 Oct 1998 138 Feb 1999 143 Oct 2000 144 Feb 2001 145 June 2001 146 Oct 2001 147 Feb 2002 148 June 2002 149 Oct 2002 150 Feb 2003 151 June 2003 152 Oct 2003 ***ON HOLD*** 153 Feb 2004 154 June 2004 ***ON HOLD*** 155 Oct 2004 ***ON HOLD*** 156 Feb 2005 ***ON HOLD*** 157 June 2005 ***ON HOLD*** 158 Oct 2005 ***ON HOLD*** 159 Feb 2006 ***ON HOLD*** 160 June 2006 ***ON HOLD*** 161 Oct 2006 ***ON HOLD*** 162 Feb 2007 ***ON HOLD*** 163 June 2007 ***ON HOLD*** 164 Oct 2007 ***ON HOLD*** 166 June 2008 ***ON HOLD*** 167 Oct 2008 ***ON HOLD*** 168 Feb 2009 ***ON HOLD*** 169 June 2009 ***ON HOLD*** 170 Oct 2009 ***ON HOLD*** 171 Feb 2010 ***ON HOLD*** 172 June 2010 ***ON HOLD*** 173 Oct 2010 ***ON HOLD*** Price is €2 per issue, plus postage if required.
  18. Preview of the A Class sound file in this link : https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2F1ZhEQ2fNo9M%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2hu6LFz4cEIPlRU9WV7UDWcITlm7P6u0lybP38aV5pmmcbLVCqCrinSdE&h=AT0zBDXkaG9HsgyTbJ4Ly_PSXUoqPAkQvSdsSwIlBO9RUJhpuAOTdRxxucajawgNQoh49xAj_kOkq1wy049jH7lSsL18WC7P_Pk_9NGG8IDF6tIpERwIixg6E5dseCfdUc_g&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT1v8CPXPwGE-B5rFEzvXiSm0vkldQObRSzSNngfN8JT-xb5vk-TbU-MOwUKI2ep0Uv4gmuzXTYKIYjQVf2Iiu19fho1shwPoh3oBU6H_LTAqNb4go1p4qzZrF6VxwXO6bCZWsathvmdRV1Dhlzl88rmqFVs71M_jMMoi-jezMeRAs2SMYogh2b_g9g
  19. Just curious, but would the 3D printing method used on the 20t brake vans not be a more suitable method of manufacturing for a detailed model of the tin vans? I would suspect the brass element of the tin van kits is putting some people off ordering them.
  20. Watching this with interest as I will need a few of these. Hopefully, the start of a range of detailed RTR items from that period that would never realistically be factory made by any of the mainstream manufacturers.
  21. Sounds interesting. Have always loved seeing Barry's photos in the IRRS Journal over the years. They are also mostly produced in colour from around 2000 onwards, which is also great.
  22. Hope that serious treat materialises. The 1970's period is especially fascinating where old world H wagons, Palvans, Horse Boxes and Bulleid Opens slowly gave way to the new CIE built modern wagon fleet. Freight was always the more interesting part of railway operations for me anyway, so you definitely have one book sold if it materialises.
  23. Probably means that it was test run. A lot of UK based model shops would test run locos before mailing them; doesn't mean that a new loco is then classed as used before you receive it. In any case, should only concern you if you intend to bid on the item, win the item, and then find out that it has signs of use despite being advertised as new. Still not an issue as the ebay gaurantee covers such a situation in terms of returning the item.
  24. That's an amazing piece of reference material. I was actually browsing IRFN over the last few days to try and get an understanding of what ran when and in what livery as regards the 1950-1970 period, but you have saved me the trouble now. Many thanks for your efforts. One question though, what does the numbers in some of the panels refer to e.g. 187M, 1396 - is it a paint code? Perhaps this post or thread should be stickied for future reference on the forum.
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