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Everything posted by Edo

  1. https://www.afloat.ie/port-news/shannon-estuary/item/56928-work-to-reopen-port-of-foynes-limerick-freight-railway-line I still can't get my head around the fact that this is actually going ahead - I thought there was the usual "positive noises" for the local media and politicians , the usual "reviewing the situation" and the line would sleep on becoming more overgrown and this very irish "squatters rights" would kick in soon and that would be that.....but no.....great! Given the absence of any mention of who exactly is going to be using the line for freight...........could this finally be an outbreak of .............wait for it..............long term planning?....ie lets build the infrastructure first and then go after customers. Obviously lots of EU money and state money going into this - great - its about time and will hopefully be start of investing and getting Limericks rail infrastructure back in use. Given I now live Shannonside - I'll be watching this project with great interest.
  2. holy moley - just got it in my email too 2 thoughts 1) how accurate are these... in comparison to the real thing? 2) Im going to need to win the lotto
  3. Sweet Jesus..................I'll be in negotiations with the IMF by this time next year! Actually - all things considered - I'll be happy to be conducting credit negotiations with whoever this time next year if that madman in Moscow hasn't lifted every railway line from Gibraltar to Gdansk by then..........scary times folks and its great to have a hobby to disappear into for a bit of mental escapist relief.
  4. Yeh - and a vague timeline? Roughly when? Great to see tho
  5. Agreed - the flickr site is fantastic and is worth the IRRS membership fee alone.
  6. Oh - im in no rush - i got a rake of 8 from the first run - Im not greedy - i'll let others fill their boots first and see how the run is seliing - i'll only be for a max of 2 packs if even.....toy train budget is going on track , solder and wire at the moment as i re-start building the layout after a long break from it.
  7. For ferts sake.....my poor bank account!! Seriously tho - fair play to ye for actually reducing the cost and honoring your prices on products delivered this year - i dont think ye are getting enough credit for that - particularly when everything except air is rocketing up daily. We'll see how the euromillions goes tonight as to how soon I order
  8. Hi Fran cheeky question here - if I ordered some mags and forklifts on the same order...would they be shipped together? - or am i complicating things? thanks Ed
  9. Quick question - what era are we talking?.... as far back as 1970's? Thanks
  10. A8......looks like Clonmel to me On the other hand - it could be Athy.....there are a couple of stations with a similar set up.
  11. Got a copy for Christmas from the brother...spent the afternoon going thru it with my tipp born mother!...nostalgia or what Thanks Jon
  12. As a fellow countryman of mine once said....I can resist everything except temptation We weren't going to do traditional christmas dinner anyway - tho I doubt she thought I was talking about KFC..........
  13. Better get the piggy bank out this evening then.....more likely mr mastercard tho
  14. Fantastic work Fergal Getting better and better - love Jim Hennessey's veg patch! Ed
  15. Evening only 80 odd of the A3r left this evening already... Im afraid the last of my toy train budget for the year has gone on acquiring a near mint condition B&T 141/181 ( facilitated thru the good offices of a fellow forum member - thank you!) - as much as I want to support the ITG - I wont be in the market until the new year....I've already got the A39 so I hope anybody who wanted a B&T A class should take the opportunity and support a vital organisation into the bargain. lastly Just a quick word to compliment the IRM lads on the quality of the packaging for the A Class and the care and attention - its these little details that matter - you're a setting a very high standard here - fair play to ye. In fact the packaging is so good that I picked up this weeks Darwin award after being stumped half way into unpacking A12 and I couldn't work out how to open the inner plastic packaging....until herself pointed out " there's an extra plastic sleeve there...are ye blind or wha......."..............yeh its time for my next specsavers appointment! Ed
  16. The first two have arrived safe and sound and the rest are on the way! thanks guys
  17. thanks for the update Fran - they will be here when they will be here - no rush
  18. fabulous job - its going great - it will be worth all the effort!
  19. Best of luck to all going today - hope the day goes great....won't be there as i've been drafted on bbq duties for the day after wedding party.....so send on pics and reports!
  20. Fantastic GM - just brilliant
  21. Great review in the Hornby mag alright.....hope the british stuff is as good
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