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  1. Yes, to put this in perspective, the number of parcels with a value of less than $800 arriving annually in the US is estimated to be more than a Billion. So the level of chaos that now exists in the clearing centres may take some time to sort out. and it may be the case that to clear the back log they will be forced to arbitrarily allow some parcels a free pass. That may already be the case for my H van order as it looks like that parcel may have been released earlier this morning but the tanker order is still stuck. This is not the only instance of chaos in the US in recent weeks as a result of executive orders and some backtracking has been necessary. Pausing shipments to allow things to settle down might be a good idea.
  2. As it stands it looks like my order for these tankers and the H vans are stuck with US Customs in New York which is something new and most likely related to the abolition on Feb 5th of the exemption to duties on small parcels under $800. This action is specifically intended to target such parcels either originating in China or containing products made in China. It also looks like the paperwork requirements are more stringent and accordingly I'm expecting both orders will be returned to IRM/AS. https://www.easyship.com/blog/section-321-de-minimis-changes
  3. Also interested in two pairs
  4. Given the direction this thread is taking it is worth mentioning that Some of the postings in the thread "We Got a Flat" -Announcing the Bullied & PWD Flat Wagons" are relevant to this conversation for example; https://igg.org.uk/rail/5-unit/unitload1.htm Fig ___ Standard closed containers
  5. Yes, I've also seen that, but a rerun with improvements in the future is quite probable and producing and offering Ride Control Bogies as an accessory (in the interim) as preparation for that rerun would make some sense.
  6. Many thanks, that is very informative and prompted me to check back on the thread covering the announcement of IRM's Project 42. It seems that producing these flats with Ride Control Bogies was on the agenda and hopefully IRM can still be persuaded to produce these as an an accessory for the many of us that might be inclined to replace the Sambre et Meuse bogies. This is the post that caught my attention. https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/7600-project-42-update/page/2/#comment-109425
  7. As I've been reading this thread I must admit to being a bit confused by the nuances. Can we clarify which of these flats IRM modelled in their Project 42 ?
  8. Yes, please send me a PM
  9. Happy & Sad
  10. Thanks for that Noel, very informative. My immediate thought as regards the problem with the units fitted inside the Bell Containers is that perhaps it's a matter of distance and maybe a stronger magnet (creating your own wand with say a neodymium magnet), may work or perhaps simply attaching the battery/control units directly under the roof of the container, (access to do this is fairly easy because the floors pop out). As for coaches, as an example I currently have a Craven Buffet in a dismantled state, and the units will fit inside the toilet compartments, so I would expect switching with the wand should be possible by passing it over the exterior side of those compartments (albeit you have to swipe both sides). Seems like I will be needing quite a few of these tail lights.
  11. Hi Noel, I purchased just one pack of these tail lamps recently with a view to establishing how they might be fitted to various pieces of rolling stock, so your success with them is interesting. In the absence of any information or suggestions on the IRM website (the support page, a note in the pack directs us to, does not exist), may I ask if you can be a bit more specific as to where you are locating the battery/control unit, I'm assuming that you are utilising the interiors of containers etc to the best extent possible? As regards the fertiliser wagons, while I have yet to attempt this, it seems to me they can be fitted with minimal surgery limited to removing a piece of the cross bracing inside one of the double stacked pallets, and simply pushing the battery/control unit inside and threading the wire and lamp through a small hole in the floor of the wagon beneath that pallet. The question Dave is asking about an unladen 42' bogie wagon was the first one that came to mind when I had these lamps in hand so I'd also be interested in your thoughts on that. thank you Tom
  12. A picture published Jun '71 IRRS JNL (no. 55) of a Charles Roberts ESSO tank wagon arriving at North Wall. This photo was originally posted on this site by josefstadt in the Irish Shell & BP thread Dec 17 2014.
  13. Sauna or Turkish bath more like. Well that's what we got every day in winter on the old AEC rail cars (pre DART). At least 90% of them leaked steam in enormous volumes. The experience of travelling into the city on a wet December or January morning when they were jam packed with passengers with already wet coats and dripping umbrellas, still doesn't bear thinking about.
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