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    Marietta GA USA


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  1. Memories of being there in the summer of '61 on a silver train.
  2. Shipping notification received, thank you
  3. 48 hours have passed, so now I'm getting worried. My order for Flats shows as paid and unfulfilled with an expected delivery time frame of quarter 3 2024. Yet the flats are showing as in stock and I've had no notification as regards shipping.
  4. She's doing her job "never admit there is a problem"
  5. ????? The flats, not so in my case
  6. It looks like the Britbus business is being wound up, which is disappointing news and means these commissions will not be repeated. at least not from that source. The tooling for their range of models must have some value and hopefully someone will step in to acquire it.
  7. They seem to be separate incidents. A stolen waste disposal truck drove through the lowered level crossing gates in Sutton and that caused suspension of service between Howth Junction and Howth. The second incident which caused suspension of service on the main line occurred at Howth Junction and I would deduce this was much more serious and probably a fatality. Comment is usually quite reserved in such cases.
  8. The Scenecraft model is in stock here but seems pricey https://modeltune.co.uk/products/bachmann-scenecraft-limited-edition-irish-pub-44-124a?variant=31433047605290
  9. Ironroad

    Customs & VAT

    Hi DJ. In Ireland, VAT is not applicable to goods exported outside the EU nor is VAT applicable to the the associated costs of those exports. This includes postage, trucking, courier, airfreight, ocean freight, brokerage costs etc. Conversely on imports all those costs together with the actual invoiced value of the goods are taken together to establish the "Landed Cost" which is the figure on which VAT and Duties are applicable. Yes in effect they are applying vat on foreign postage but on the basis that it contributed to the cost of the goods.
  10. Ironroad

    Customs & VAT

    Customs valuation for vat and or duties (if applicable) is "Landed Cost". So their assessment will take account of the invoiced value plus any associated shipping, courier, or postage costs.
  11. Thinks he's Captain America now !!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. There is a precedent for everything. Way back in the depths of time, the Rev Awdry (creator of Thomas the Tank) operated trains on his Tidmouth layout that carried different liveries on either side of the coaches. This worked quite well because the layout (an out and back branch terminus) was built around three walls of a room and exited into a return loop in an adjacent room. So since only one side of a train was visible at any time, as a train returned it appeared to be a different train.
  13. Has me wondering about who took the picture.
  14. It is very difficult to comprehend what motivated this act of wanton destruction. However without pretending I can read their minds it seems to me that the perpetrators (their age makes no difference) are worlds apart from the owners of the destroyed property. It is a act of resentment against a segment of society they see as privileged and engaged in a seemingly worthless pursuit, by people who see themselves as deprived by society. This is not something new. I don't excuse the vandalism, but we are in a time where there seems to be less tolerance of the underprivileged and that is exacerbating the problem. Politicians everywhere seem to be losing sight of the fact that addressing the root causes and spending money on education, sports etc, and ensuring there is inclusiveness and opportunity for all makes a lot more sense than being reactive and building prisons. I do accept that we will always have a subculture that is apart but it is the current scale of it that is alarming.
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