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DJ Dangerous

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DJ Dangerous last won the day on September 18 2024

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  1. Currency box hidden away way down the bottom. Should be top right corner or top left corner, ideally, but at least it’s there.
  2. Found it HERE, thanks! They also mention the couplers being stiff and a little higher, but that probably only affects those doing lots of shunting.
  3. Boluda 4TG1 container no. BOLU-4964503 back on February 4th, when they were re-branding the CEPSA petrol station at Fañabe to Moeve. Funny seeing dinosaurs in that video! Don't think I've ever seen a 4TG1 before.
  4. And don't forget: There's a man there who knows a man...
  5. They look gorgeous! What's that scraping sound as the train leaves?
  6. Might not be price-gouging if they paid: ...extra. Has happened to me several times, not necessarily IRM stuff, just with Customs in general.
  7. You’ve just opened the floodgates to Hell!
  8. Gerry Hoey / Millipede on Adverts.ie always has good value Irish stock for sale.
  9. Looks to be AnyRail.
  10. Helix0_8 is Tom of Irish Freight Models: https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?sid=helix0_8 Has a few other bits and bobs listed, too.
  11. That there is a big part of the problem. The track is not available to everyday modellers, it’s hidden behind paywalls and membetship fees and secret societies. 21mm would be doomed if it followed that same route, if it ever started in the first place. If a modeller goes onto the Accurascale website, Mark’s Models website, Rails of Sheffield website, or wherever, they’ll buy track that’s either in stock or available to order. The majority won’t find the 21mm option, or even know of it’s existence, if it’s hidden away. People say that 21mm is a niche within a niche, and they are correct, but keeping it a secret from the majority of modellers won’t change that. I’d be happy to be involved in crowd-funding 21mm track, but only if it was going to be exposed to a broad audience. None if this hiding it away nonsense.
  12. You're probably all correct, and I'm just too optimistic about the hobby growing and more modellers buying track further down the line... See what I did there? For information, IRM already design and promote almost every single model as 21mm-friendly. Only the very first releases were 21mm-unfriendly. I, and most modellers I speak with in private, now take this as the standard for Irish models, thanks to IRM's perseverence. A 21mm-unfriendly model would be quite a surprise - save for something like a steam loco where it proves unfeasable or impossible. Forgot to add that the 2024 run of Mk2D's from Murphy Models were also 21mm-friendly. To the naked eye, Murphy Models locos to date don't look to be 21mm-friendly, but I haven't measured, and members have converted them to 21mm:
  13. That's why I feel that it would be a big marketing clanger if nobody were to cash in on this over the coming months / years. Agree a set of standards, publish them, tool up that one 8-sleeper piece, and start printing money. If there's demand for a set of points further down the line, then yeah, risk the investment, but all that's needed at first is some basic track, to hook more modellers into 21mm.
  14. A few posts worth adding to the 21mm discussion, lifted from THIS thread. @Mayner hits the nail on the head with that last paragraph. We'd need a collaboration / concensus from both IRM and MM, being the two main Irish outline manufacturers, with a group of past, present and future 21mm modellers involved, to agree on the standards that would meet the needs of the many. You'll never please everybody, but the input from experienced 21mm modellers, and just as importantly, the likes of @murphaph who are dead set on going down that path, to pave the way for anything to happen. I still believe that it's likely to happen one day, that we will have 21mm flexible track at the very least, but when that day arrives is anybody's guess. With the 21mm-friendly models we have to date, and the amount of open source knowledge available, combined with advances in 3D printing at home, it would seem like a big mistake for a manufacturer to NOT cash in.
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