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DJ Dangerous

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DJ Dangerous last won the day on September 18 2024

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  1. EDIT: To add, the currency glitch on the A/S site is still there. Numerical values are in Euro but currency sign is Sterling. Downloaded invoice has correct values AND correct currency sign, but account section of website is still faulty. As per:
  2. I tried following the old IRM link today and it redirects to A/S automatically, so I assume that the cutoff date has passed? Where and when was the cutoff date announced? I seem to have missed it. I can't find any date mentioned in mailouts nor here on the forum. Couple of questions... How does the new VIP status work? I appear to have been demoted one VIP level, any reason for this? There's no VIP history visible on the A/S platform before March 13th 2025. When will this be updated to show our full histories from the IRM platform? How does one download invoices from the A/S EU platform before it is shut down? I have four orders on that platform and there is / was no visible download button. The invoices are also not included in the emails sent out when the orders were placed, shipped etc. Going to accurascale.eu today also redirects to accurascale.com. I understand that this is not a support channel, but since support often takes weeks to reply to emails nowadays, I thought I'd reach out here. Support was missing for five weeks over Christmas and New Year, and I haven't had a reply to my last email, sent a couple of weeks back. Thanks!
  3. The eBay coaches are usually overpriced, and IRM re-runs are usually cheaper than the first run - presumably because they have covered start-up costs for the model. With that in mind, I’d wait for the next run of coaches.
  4. Welcome to the forum! A/S / IRM will definitely re-use the tooling to run more coaches in the future, and the Hunslet livery options are a large hint at seeing the maroon Mk2's at some stage. With the Irish market, it's not always always, or often, feasable for a manufacturer to have several different models in stock at any one time, so it's a case of buying what you like, when it's available, and waiting a little for the rest.
  5. Always lovely to see Ballyercall and Ercall Heath videos, and a breath of fresh air to see actual models on the forum lately! Catching up via YT this morning.
  6. Might be some gems in there, for anybody lucky enough to be living up in Ireland!
  7. Just caught the YouTube update and had to log in. Great video, as always, nostalgia gold. Love the push-pull Mk3 set. Is the DVT Silver Fox or DC Kits or something else?
  8. Not so crazy… OP here.
  9. Was wondering about that, but since it’s a lifetime guarantee, and IRM / A/S products are unique, it probably wouldn’t make sense to require an invoice.
  10. That’s handy to know. How does one download invoices from the A/S EU platform before it is shut down?
  11. Does that mean that old orders, delivered orders, archived orders, and fulfilled orders will not be migrated, so for our order history, we use the IRM and A/S EU platforms? Or they will be migrated at some stage and the two older platforms will be defunct?
  12. Got these two cheap as they are damaged… Couldn’t say no!
  13. Tired of Trump’s Tariffs? Boycott American beer, drink Spanish instead:
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