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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I have a customer that wants to sell his layout that I built for him last year. It was built in June and to a very high standard. It comes with an ESU Ecos 50200 DCC controller, an Ecos detector that can detect locos around the layout also it can shuttle trains. All points are fitted with Cobalt DCC point motors that are controlled from the touch screen of the Ecos and routes can be selected as well. It's 3050mm long and 1500mm wide (10' x 5') beaks into 3 sections and is fully portable. The upper section lifts off. He is looking for €3,000 or nearest offer. If you would like further information or to view the layout please do not hesitate to contact me.
  2. They look amazing
  3. Have a look at http://www.freetrackplans.com there is a lot of track plans to give you ideas. What kind of space do you have to put your lauout?
  4. A good baseboard!
  5. Dave

    New designs

    1. Life long interest, started with my Dad and his layout when I was 8. Due to career and girls only got back into it in the last few years, now I do it for a living. 2. The satisfaction of seeing a layout completed, and then starting all over again. 3. Every month, but as a trader. 4. Ahem! A lot!
  6. Thanks Eamonn
  7. Lovely work there Eamonn, would you recommend it for a first build or the 42' flat?
  8. Dave

    John Byrne, R.I.P.

    RIP John
  9. That viaduct is spectacular! Is there access to the tunnels if there's a derailment?
  10. Coming along nicely
  11. Looking forward to seeing the finished article
  12. Cheers Bos:tumbsup:
  13. Hi Westport, If you have the space go 8' x 4' 6" the extra 6" will make all the difference. Code 75 is a good choice if you are planning to run all new stock but old rolling stock will have problems running on code 75. Flex track is the best choice as it looks much more realistic. Electrofrog points are also a good choice. To switch points using DCC you need a decoder which will only do 4 points per decoder or you could use an analogue control panel with switches. It is possible to wire up a control panel with LED's to show route indication, the seep point motors have aux switches built in which will also switch polarity as well. I am doing a special offer for this month for free shipping on baseboards, an 8' x 4' is €290 and I can make it 8' x 4' 6" for no extra cost. I also do a servo point motor control system that is very competitive it is available with a DCC module that can control up to 192 points! I also offer as part of the system switches, LED's power supplies. Typically works out about €16 per point all in, cheaper than buying the seep and DCC module(s) switches and a power supply and LED's I also build control panels. Please feel free to contact me to discuss further.
  14. Wow, lovely work, Are they static or can they be motorised?
  15. Found the second one in the UK! A dumb priest never got a parish
  16. Cheers Dave, PM me a price.
  17. I am building a layout for a customer and I am looking for 2 Bachmann OO Diesel Locomotive Servicing Depot from Scenecraft range product code number 44-017 Anyone got one or two to sell?
  18. I revised the drawing, lost the turn table as it will be all diesels so I can't see it being used. I also want to keep it fairly simple so the layout doesn't look over crowded with track. I am going to keep the two tracks into the container terminal with a run around shunt for locos. Thanks for all the advise lads.
  19. Depending on what your budget is a train set may not be the way to go. A number of my customers bought starter Hornby train sets and ended up ditching them as they didn't fit in with what they wanted as there layout grew. They can be a false economy. Measure up the space you have and start planning from there. Think about what you want to model in, Irish, English, American or continental. Also what era, steam, diesel etc. There are some amazing layouts on the forum to get some ideas.
  20. Welcome aboard Westport
  21. Looks great Eoin, any idea on price yet?
  22. Thanks for the input lads. I'll revise the drawing later. I have to be careful where I place points so there not on the baseboard joins indicated by the lines.
  23. Hi Bakerlite, welcome on board. Looking forward to seeing your layout progress. Plenty of help on here so just ask as there's no such thing as a stupid question if you don't know the answer
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