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Everything posted by Dave

  1. =)) excellent!
  2. I remember the 50B that brings me back! Lovely work:tumbsup:
  3. That's a big speaker shoehorned in there! Is it enclosed at the back?
  4. Just stunning Anthony, superb detail as always:tumbsup:
  5. i know someone that was waiting nearly 3 months as well.
  6. Looks great, the back scene adds a lot of depth. The tunnel under the shelves is a good idea. Looking forward to seeing it progress.
  7. Sublime Anthony, the turntable is stunning. The weathering detail and scenery make it look so real. Cracking
  8. How to fit the system[video=youtube;Sxiip-QdEE0]
  9. That's the Powerbase system from DCC Concepts, its a series of metal plates you fit under the track, magnets are then fitted into the locos. The magnets give much better traction for the loco to climb. They work very well. Here's a video on them
  10. An 0-4-0 steam would struggle to pull itself up an incline, as Bosko says 2% as a maximum. If the climb is higher you would need a helix.
  11. I have one, there not bad but the clips get loose after a while.
  12. You need closed cell foam, cut it to width you can taper the edges by cutting a block of wood at a 45 degree angle and screw on a blade works a treat. The preformed foam breaks down over time so stick with the closed cell pu foam. I buy from here
  13. Yes, once ballasted the sound deadening properties of the foam is lost. But there is a way around it, if you cut the foam much wider than normal then ballast without the ballast touching the baseboard that reduces the sound considerably.
  14. This popped up on the MRSI Facebook page today Update on Fry Model Railway and The Casino Malahide A Chara, As you will know myself and my colleague Cllr Eoghan O'Brien have been working with dedicated members of our community to secure the Fry Model Railway in The Casino House, Malahide. Due to the very generous bequeath by Mr. Micheál Gaffney ( RIP), The Casino House, will be brought back to its former glory, which will then house the Fry Model Railway. Some outstanding legal issues are close to resolution. I am very hopeful that in the coming weeks all will be finalised. By way of an update, please see below the response to the formal question tabled at yesterday's area committee meeting. I will keep you informed of progress. Kind regards, Darragh Seanad Leader, Fianna Fáil Seanad Éireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Question: Councillor E. O’Brien “To ask the Chief Executive to give an update on the transfer of ownership of the Casino, Malahide and the Fry Model Railway, and to give a timeframe on when this will happen?” Reply: Outstanding legal issues in relation to the acquisition of the Casino building and Fry Model Railway are nearing completion. Unless further impediments arise, it is anticipated that both purchases will be completed in the very near future.
  15. Hi Paudie, steer well clear! It moves about and is not stable enough. Ballasting is easy enough, take you time and make sure the rails are clear before applying the PVA. Here's a few video's from Everad Junction showing how it's done. I ballast points in as I am ballasting the track, I have developed a technique to do it without the points sticking.
  16. I found them very good, have them fitted in some 141's and the 8 pin ones in some of my American locos and no problems.
  17. If your after a budget decoder Hattons do their own one Single decoder http://www.ehattons.com/71920/Hattons_Model_Railways_Ltd_DCR_21PIN_Direct_21_pin_4_function_1_1Amp_direct_plug_decoder_with_back_EMF/StockDetail.aspx 5 Pack http://www.ehattons.com/71920/Hattons_Model_Railways_Ltd_DCR_21PIN_Direct_Box_of_5_21_pin_4_function_1_1Amp_direct_plug_decoder_with_back_EMF/StockDetail.aspx 10 Pack http://www.ehattons.com/71920/Hattons_Model_Railways_Ltd_DCR_21PIN_Direct_Box_of_10_21_pin_4_function_1_1Amp_direct_plug_decoder_with_back_EMF/StockDetail.aspx
  18. If your after a budget decoder Hattons do their own one Single decoder http://www.ehattons.com/71920/Hattons_Model_Railways_Ltd_DCR_21PIN_Direct_21_pin_4_function_1_1Amp_direct_plug_decoder_with_back_EMF/StockDetail.aspx 5 Pack http://www.ehattons.com/71920/Hattons_Model_Railways_Ltd_DCR_21PIN_Direct_Box_of_5_21_pin_4_function_1_1Amp_direct_plug_decoder_with_back_EMF/StockDetail.aspx 10 Pack http://www.ehattons.com/71920/Hattons_Model_Railways_Ltd_DCR_21PIN_Direct_Box_of_10_21_pin_4_function_1_1Amp_direct_plug_decoder_with_back_EMF/StockDetail.aspx
  19. Nice work Dave, love the idea of using the mini mesh for fencing. Very effective.
  20. The video is coming up as private Tommy
  21. Wow Eoin, that detail is exquisite. Makes such a difference.
  22. Richie, I would take you up on that. I'm only starting off with the airbrush.
  23. Hi Noel, bought this one as it has a few cups with it. I have a compressor in the workshop for the nail guns so I use that for the air brush. I also bought a filter regulator for it. Air brush http://www.ebay.ie/itm/VEDA-WD-186R-Dual-Action-Airbrush-Complete-Set-0-2-0-3-0-5mm-Needles-Nozzles-/331225196182?pt=UK_Crafts_DrawingSupplies_EH&hash=item4d1e8f6696 Filter regulator http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Mini-Regulator-With-Gauge-And-Water-Trap-Filter-/110759480538?pt=UK_Crafts_DrawingSupplies_EH&hash=item19c9c78cda
  24. I bought one of these and can't recommend them enough. Great bit of kit.
  25. Looks great, are you planning to make the modules portable? If so you could make them to the spec on the modular layout section http://irishrailwaymodelling.com/showthread.php/2465-Modular-OO-Layouts
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