This popped up on the MRSI Facebook page today
Update on Fry Model Railway and The Casino Malahide
A Chara,
As you will know myself and my colleague Cllr Eoghan O'Brien have been working with dedicated members of our community to secure the Fry Model Railway in The Casino House, Malahide.
Due to the very generous bequeath by Mr. Micheál Gaffney ( RIP), The Casino House, will be brought back to its former glory, which will then house the Fry Model Railway.
Some outstanding legal issues are close to resolution. I am very hopeful that in the coming weeks all will be finalised.
By way of an update, please see below the response to the formal question tabled at yesterday's area committee meeting.
I will keep you informed of progress.
Kind regards,
Seanad Leader, Fianna Fáil
Seanad Éireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street,
Question: Councillor E. O’Brien
“To ask the Chief Executive to give an update on the transfer of ownership
of the Casino, Malahide and the Fry Model Railway, and to give a timeframe on
when this will happen?”
Outstanding legal issues in relation to the acquisition of the Casino building and Fry
Model Railway are nearing completion.
Unless further impediments arise, it is anticipated that both purchases will be
completed in the very near future.