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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Looks great Roryon, well done. Its great to see new layouts being posted. Keep the pics coming as it develops.
  2. Dave

    New Members

    I tell all my customers about the site, I promote it where and when I can. If we can do a leaflet I will promote the site at all the toy and train collecter fairs and exhibitions.
  3. Cool!
  4. Hi Robert, try Scarm software, its simple to use and its free. http://www.scarm.info I'm not sure if its available for mac. Also try http://www.freetrackplans.com you will get some good ideas from there. I have built a number of layouts in sheds, if you want to make your layout removable build it on a sheet of ply of MDf in sections, then just drop them into place on your layout. Check out my page in the services section to see what I mean. Best bit of advise I can give is research, research, research!
  5. Wow! Looks great, well done
  6. Just need to get a sound chip for mine
  7. Come and say hello, Model Rail Baseboards are there all weekend:tumbsup:
  8. Ah Dave stop, I feel like a child before Christmas! Marks Models and The Model Shop are doing them for €159.99.
  9. I'm looking forward to the weekend, Model Rail Baseboards will be there, so come and say hello. It will be nice to put some faces to the names.
  10. Lol =))
  11. I couldn't have put it better myself. Truly fantastic work Glenderg
  12. Cracking work Kirley! You have inspired me. I'm ripping up my layout and moving to a bigger room to start again. Ballasting looks great, well done
  13. Sweet!
  14. It sounds the nuts, I'm getting one to go on the freight version
  15. Will the sound decoders and speakers be on sale in Raheny?
  16. They are all stunning, but my favorite is the Deltic
  17. Dave

    First post.

    Welcome Patrick, keep those pics coming
  18. Wiggy, does the cutters cut the track neatly and square? I have been using a dremel, but it can be time consuming.
  19. Ah, some people do like to dream =))
  20. If your tight on space you may want to consider a multi level layout. Scarm is great, its so simple to use.
  21. I've asked them for pictures as they develop, I'll post them when I get them. Here's another N Gauge layout
  22. Thanks Stephen
  23. N Gauge layout for a customer. I designed it so it could be built and assembled in the workshop and then dropped into place for speedy installation.
  24. Amazing!
  25. Do you want me to bring my digital camera with me tomorrow? I have a good flash that will light up your layout nicely
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