I find the last sentence in this post a terrible slight on Murphy and I would ask you to withdraw it.
Remember he is dealing with people thousands of miles away
When the original Lima models were produced for him he was taking their advice on what he should produce
Take for example the L105100X33 Set, the very first pic on this thread, Cl 33/A Class with a Mk 2 & Mk 3 coach
Anyone with a good knowledge of loco and coach running would never have put these 3 items together
This was the package that was sold to him and he went for it
As a result of this he then commissioned the 201 as the first truly Irish RTR model loco.
The mistake with the 7411 was caused in the Lima factory, not by Murphy
7411 in standard form was never catalogued. He would have had to open each pack and check for it
Again the new coach's were painted in China, not D4
He placed an order for these coaches, approved the pre production samples but what arrived was not what was ordered
He is still in discussion with the factory and he is not a very happy bunny over their handling of the issue
He feels his reputation has been tarnished by their bad work, not his, and this whole event may place the 121 project in jeprody
Unfortunately unlike a lot of the keyboard assassins here he is only human.