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Everything posted by snapper

  1. There was some jobs advertised on the NIR website looking for people to perform the DD refub in York road
  2. have a look at page 66 here http://www.blurb.com/books/2014507-from-semaphore-to-c-t-c
  3. you can see the backs of 11,12,13 here, seen coming from Waterford towards Limerick And from the front here coming from Limerick
  4. To me it looks like it is coming from limerick and as you look at the photo the signals on the left would be no 8 + 9 and those on the right would be 17 + 18
  5. My reading of that would be 18 would allow you to go as far as 7 and 17 would allow you to go to 11,12,13 signal post. and 39 does look like a shunt signal.
  6. The only situation I can think of like that would be dead end platforms, in that case the buffer stop takes the place of the "next signal" which should have been red. Do you have a specific signal in mind on the diagram so I could look at it?
  7. It may also be worth your time watching this video, it explains the different signal types and what they mean, I know its for british railways but we share alot of the same signal setups
  8. From what I remember from top to bottom for diagrams read Vertical line = Proceed (green) Diagonal line= Caution (yellow) Horizontal line= Stop (red) Second diagonal line= Caution used for double yellow on 4 aspect signals but may not be fitted. so I would guess the solid is filling on for the red in that diagram. When you say white do you mean like this?? If so the white lights along with the main colour show that the train is to take a diverging route.
  9. Trains did, and still do get held on the direct curve all the time and the curve is long enough that they can do this without fouling the Dublin - Cork main line. See signal P7 in this shot. http://jandjcottrell.zenfolio.com/p228051995/h2ffaf7d8#h2d9da195 The loop (I think it's called the pocket loop??) was effetely a passing point on the Limerick to Waterford line and would have got more use when the Limerick to Waterford route had a lot more freight, and just happened to be where the direct cure ended.
  10. inside Limerick Junction south 1959 http://catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000303969
  11. To me it looks like it was done to prove sufficient signaling overlap / protection so that a train from Dublin could be signaled into the direct curve at the same time a train was signaled into Limerick Junction from Limerick.
  12. Probably goes back to some historic reasons when it was a crossing point between the Great Southern and the Waterford and Limerick railways. While the scissors crossing was odd it did allow an up and down train to be stopped on the platform and leave the main line free, not such a big deal in CTC days but in pre ctc days when everything was signal box to signal box it was probably useful .
  13. Limerick junction 2004 if its any good to you Edit, just saw its already in the thread.
  14. Mr Murphy doesn't need any more ideas on how to take my money
  15. From Carstens publications FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AUGUST 29, 2014
  16. from IR twitter
  17. Just spotted there is also a third book http://www.blurb.com/b/2014507-from-semaphore-to-c-t-c
  18. No, if you look over on the right of the page you can buy either a hardcover or softcover printed versions.
  19. Also this documentary is very good at explaining the basic principals of British Railways signaling and we share a lot of the same setups and systems.
  20. If you are looking for some info (and a lot of pictures ) about the real setups these two books are pretty good. http://www.blurb.com/b/2016357-more-southern-signals http://www.blurb.com/b/2218346-signals-of-the-limerick-line-s-the-signalling-and
  21. beautiful piece of work, wow
  22. the modelsshop has 2 of 111 in stock http://www.themodelshop.ie/model-railways/irish-railways/irish-locomotives/murphy-models-class-111-diesel-no-111-nir-blue.html
  23. I am sorry but you are wrong, the consumer rights legislation has no power when it comes to private sales. It only deals with sale from a business to a consumer.
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