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Everything posted by Liam_Murph

  1. My son has a pretty extensive collection that he can cover a room with when he wants to. It can take plenty of the abuse a toddler or young child can throw at it. Nice to build up layouts with him and relatives continue to gift him additional track sets or rolling stock at birthdays and Christmas as it is an easy present to pick out.
  2. I have been seeing those Dr19 diesels popping up on test runs over the past year and they are odd looking machines. Apart from the cab, the body of the locomotive is surprisingly low which gives it a 'toy train' aesthetic. Will be interesting to see if they make a difference to the old Dv12 clag in the local yards
  3. Has anybody experience with using magnetic couplings like accurascale magnetic chain couplings or the selection of couplings from glr? If so which are most functional/easy to use or are they not worth the effort of changing?
  4. Seen this announcement sent me back to trawling through the 1960's photo album on flickr to get inspiration for tying in these coaches to a scene. Is the coach here one of the full brake 6 wheelers or a brake 2nd?
  5. Seeing big ten wheelers and pacifics trundling along a preserved branchline really does not do justice to them like a proper run at speed out on the network
  6. While everyone I dealt with also has been super helpful etc., it does leave a grain of suspicion in the back of one's mind for future dealings when someone consistently active in the forum community has been cheated
  7. Seems though that since we passed some other form of grace period in June/July for this season of Brexit, there have been greater checks and controls on anything coming over from UK into the Nordic countries at least, regardless of its price tag.
  8. Are these the trains using the Siemens Taurus locomotives that have the tuned engine starting to 'do re mi'?
  9. From this week: a mixed freight movement from Ruokosuo - Hangonsaari (T4036) passing through the former station in Vaajakoski, Central Finland. It was running a couple of hours behind schedule but summer nights are very forgiving in providing enough light for recording this far north.... 20210716_215552.mp4
  10. Making time to watch a Jubilee storm through is always worthwhile!
  11. As it was too wet to collect insect samples for work over the midsummer holiday, the next best thing I could think of was head to the nearest station during lunch. Double headed Dr12 diesels were a bit OTT considering the trains were exceptionally short (midsummer is second only to christmas in terms of holiday importance in Finland so very little industrial activity occurs). T3639 (Hanko harbour to Hämeenlinna) passes T3534 (Karis to Hanko harbour) at Lappohja. The red livery on the locomotives is very slowly being replaced around the country, with locomotives in the old livery being allowed to build up lovely levels of grime and dirt compared to newly liveried ones. 20210623_151259_Trim.mp4 20210623_151550_Trim.mp4
  12. Looks like someone has already modeled such a station:
  13. As it is a smaller secondary road and it is the end of a private siding for the harbour, there are no advance warning lights or barriers. The main running lines in the area have lights and barriers, but there are plenty of small roads which literally have only a stop sign. Outside of larger towns, one can access all accept the fastest mainlines relatively easily, and walk along the trails used by maintenance workers adjacent to the lines thanks to strong right to roam laws. There is generally a very different approach to health and safety in Finland, where there is a greater onus on the individual to not do something reckless (personal injury claims are prohibitively expensive processes for minor accidents and so are almost unheard of). As such very little 'safety padding' around railway infrastructure which allows for some great views/exploration.
  14. It's been a hectic few months of work but it didn't stop me getting a few chances to take in some railway sites. Last year, Estonian operator, Operail, entered into the Finnish freight haulage market. This was my first chance to see one, moving empty coal wagons (of Russian origin) from Koverhar harbour to Lappohja for that afternoons T7305 Lappohja - Kouvola. The Dr20 locomotive is very much like an updated version of the 201s I thought..... 20210623_154250.mp4
  15. Another Sr1 led train; this time a movement of empty timber wagons from Äänekoski to Pieksämäki just up to speed. The 24 wagons of this train is the usual length for longer distance timber trains. Only local movements of timber wagons that are being moved from loading sites to/from the marshaling yard are longer this. 20210415_205645.mp4
  16. They have gone a step further in most of Finland, with signalling and points changing all being done remotely. The nearest signalman (or computer) to my hometown is roughly 150km away
  17. Business first: I have only noticed red lights on the rear of passenger trains. I can't say I ever notice red lights on freight trains in this neck of the woods. As for the snow, the main winter snows are finally melting away from the ground here. Generally snow starts accumulating on the ground in November/December and melts away properly in April. However, extensive snow showers can still fall into the early summer months. I have seen a few centimetres fall on the 1st of June before and the local joke is that midsummer's day can usually have snow falling too. The majority of the wagons in both trains I have posted here are purpose built 4-wheeled vans. There are 2 types of these vans, Gbln built in the mid 90s and Gbls built between 2009-2013. Both are 14m long and weigh about 15t. Latest figures I have seen for them put about 560 and 750 of each on the network respectively.
  18. Another evenings movement from the past week. This was the Ruokosuo/Siilinjärvi - Hangonsaari freight. This 500-odd km trek starts in the Yara mines complex in the east of Finland, picking up additional wagons in the nearby town of Siilinjärvi, bringing them to the port in the south-west of Finland. Since covid, the trains are not as long as they were, but they are still always double-headed. The two Sr1 in charge of this train sport the two different modern liveries that the class has had. The lead locomotive has the most recent green and white which started to be applied about 5 years ago. The red and white livery of the latter is the older livery. This train passes through my area almost everyday, and can be one of the more diverse in its makeup, with four or five different wagons being the norm, making it interesting to check out imo. (Apologies for the shaky camera, my hands aren't the steadiest when cold) 20210409_202400.mp4
  19. I no longer live somewhere over looking a railway line so I have to bring the dog for a 'walk' to get my fix of railway reality. I thought I better start recording pictures/videos of this just in case I get notions in the future. The line between Jyväskylä and Pieksämäki, is one of the few lines I know of in the area that are still dominated by VR Sr1 class electric bo-bos. These were built in the 1970s in the Soviet Union and are now starting to be replaced in Finland by Siemens vectrons. At this stage, they are predominantly used for freight and only touch passenger trains on secondary lines with lower speed limits (which includes my local line). This one came through with the almost daily Kuopio freight yard to Tampere freight yard train at 23:11. The driver must have been desperate to get home as he had been over half an hour earlier than scheduled and was a good 10-15km/h faster than freight normally runs on this line for the majority of the journey. The wife must have said something to him... 20210328_231023.mp4
  20. You are all way in the south with your winter sunlight and greenery by my reckoning....
  21. Liam_Murph


  22. If I couldn't moan about my first world problem on an internet forum, would it really be a first world problem? There was no packaging around the loco box itself at all which is why I count it as lucky that there was not more damage to it. Did you just re-insert the rails into their sockets in the loco body or use a drop of glue with them to hold it in place?
  23. No packaging inside the box. Unfortunately this was bought from the lads at IRM which I wouldn't have expected
  24. It is would be annoying if they can't read, but the infuriating thing is that you know fine well they can understand it.
  25. Cheers; some minor re-assembly is in order in that case
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