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Everything posted by murphaph

  1. I notice the EGV is not there. Was there any mention of it from PM?
  2. I think that time Tara Mines were in a disagreement with Dublin Port over fees and they wanted to prove a point. They used those Amficon 20' containers with tarps.
  3. So I have to select paypal and click the yellow complete order button first? Edit: No I see it now thanks!
  4. I'd like to order 3 of the packs and pay in instalments via paypal but I don't see the option to do this at the checkout. Am I missing something? I haven't paid by instalments previously so I'm not familiar with the flow.
  5. I think someone on here once said that Tara mines ore went out through Foynes at the very beginning before the tippler in Dublin port was ready?
  6. Thanks a lot Mark. Safe to say then that probably no baby GM'S were still in STIR livery by 1995 then? If so I will leave that one. It's not like I have a shortage of tippex ones.
  7. I suspect these things will sell like hot cakes judging by the reaction here. Absolutely the right choice out of all the railcars I would say. Bring new people into the hobby with a current vehicle and then work backwards hopefully.
  8. I am glad I have all the ones applicable to my chosen era or I'd be going mad that I hadn't sent a representative lol. Do you know what he was charging for these rarities?
  9. But IRM is manufacturing single occurrence vehicles already (NIR dining car is totally oddball and requires unique tooling). Even IR coach 4112 has unique features (roof, doors, handles) that Stephen said will be modelled accurately) so I would not rule anything out anymore. Stephen also says that the rebuilt Dutch vans will also "probably" be produced (he was asked and answered on RMWeb). The ballast plough vans were not unique but not exactly prolific either.
  10. I think Aughinish Alumina processes imported Bauxite. I suspect the zinc ore mentioned here is for export (to be mined at Palllasgreen I believe). I wonder would Boliden look at shipping their ore out through Foynes as well if it's cheaper than Dublin. They did ship it through Foynes for a while I believe.
  11. Jesus wept. I'll have to send the young lad out to work!
  12. Just Irish stuff or AS as well Stephen?
  13. I did check the price of flights but couldn't justify it
  14. Thanks a lot Nick. Much appreciated.
  15. Will the unique details (GM roof vents instead of roevac, long grab irons, mk2d doors) of 4112 be modelled or is that too much given it's the only one with all these oddities? I could certainly understand it if the numbers don't stack up.
  16. Does anyone know how long 174 stayed in that STIR livery?
  17. Thanks chaps. Hmmm, sounds like I need to save the pennies. I'd be interested in all 5 of those loco liveries!
  18. With all the IRM excitement this topic has gone a bit quiet. Was anything formally announced by Paddy at the MRSI show today?
  19. I can only imagine the price of decently finished resin models when these coaches start hitting peoples layouts! Thank u.
  20. Lovely. Absolutely lovely. To my own amazement I finally guessed right (though it was fairly heavily hinted at previously). I will definitely be taking the two IR packs which absolutely fit my chosen era. When did the roofs start to be painted black? Does anyone have a year please? Perhaps I missed it in all the excitement but what will the packaging be like? Will the 4 coaches be in a single box or 4 cartons shrink wrapped together a la MM's mk2a's? Does anyone need a dozen BR Lima mk2b's?
  21. This is going to be something very special isn't it. It's not my era but as Robert says, the knowledge gained will surely be applicable to future railcars that are. It's kind of nice that Irish modellers got the first loco and now the first railcar/DMU from the IRM/AS stable. This is some leap from a humble ballast wagon just a few short years ago!
  22. Yep. Could have modified one of the engineering samples to be played like a flute!
  23. You don't happen to own one of those tartan shopping trolleys that old women use to bash their way through to the sales do you?
  24. Ah that's a real shame. Chris is exactly the type of trader whose life was made so easy by being in the single market and customs union. A van load of mixed new and used stock is going to be difficult to manage paperwork wise. Even if you could be sure everything was properly accounted for, the time required to do so is time you're not being paid for.
  25. Nicely done Noel.
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