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Everything posted by murphaph

  1. I'll have to check the manual. The ESU download page isn't specific.
  2. The MM ESU file for the 201 has a fan function (I think F5). Is that the resistor bank cooling fan noise?
  3. Great stuff so I don't need to consider any of the dynamic brakes sounds stuff at all.
  4. I have looked through Wikipedia and for everything up to the 201 it seems clear enough that these locos had no dynamic brakes. The 201 wiki mentions "27LAV blended brakes, not used". What does this mean exactly? They have dynamic brakes but never use them?
  5. I'd never heard of it. A quick Google reveals it's a h0 scale range so the platforms could be repurposed I suppose.
  6. Good shout on CRH John. When I was taking delivery of pallets of paving stones recently from a company down the road from me in Germany I was pleasantly surprised to see the words (in English) "EHL - a CRH company" on the plastic wrapping. EHL was a long established and relatively large local manufacturer, bought out by CRH at some stage. Could we see "Hornby - an Accurascale company" in the model shop of the future?! Why not!
  7. More shelf space for Accurascale and IRM products
  8. I am trying this out now with the original (converted to v5 of course) 201 Class, being given the FT features from the above mentioned EMD 12-710G3A LATE EXH T project but to me it looks like all the complicated logic to do with the FT features are in the donor 710G3A sound slot 1 and these need to be retained, with the 201 Class sound slot one getting its contents deleted. Am I missing or misunderstanding something here?
  9. The picture is really fuzzy. Does anyone have a clearer one?
  10. If it wasn't for MM & IRM I would be modelling a different country. I don't have enough hours left in my life to kit build the amount of rolling stock I will need for the layout I have in mind. The poster above who said that we now have 90% of a weed spray train rather than 0% yesterday is spot on. IRM needs time to prudently develop the market. In a few years they might have (primarily through AS) increased the foreign markets enough to come back and be able to safely do the van or whatever without betting the farm on it.
  11. That's my question really. I don't know anything about the differences between these engines. I would guess that the 567 sound is still the most appropriate though.
  12. Well done again lads. Lovely looking model. The "42' era of operation" is too late for me but I've ordered a set anyway. I can re-purpose the flats in a normal liner train of the day and use the loads on 20' flats, whether they be kit built or perhaps even from your good selves as RTR, hint hint It would be great if someone could identify a source for a "dangerous chemicals" transfer so I can convert one of my IRM CIE containers as the mid 90's train seemed to have two containers usually.
  13. Exactly, EMD calls the pistons & liners "power assemblies" according to Wikipedia. I've also seen the term "power pack".
  14. So as we know, the 141s equipped with 567 engines were upgraded with the power assemblies from the 645 engine series. So what sound is broadly closer to the upgraded prototype? An 8-567 or an 8-645? Please note I'm aware that later on several 141s received actual 645 engines. I'm specifically talking about the 567s with the 645 power packs/assemblies though. If anyone knows of a particularly suitable Loksound 4 or 5 file for these upgraded 141s I'd appreciate a pointer.
  15. Thx Stevie. That's the one!
  16. I just noticed an old alignment in Cork branching off the Cobh line and running parallel to Glanmire Road. Can someone tell me a bit about this short stretch? Does it predate the existing railway infrastructure around Kent?
  17. The good thing is that the economics can change if the market expands. I hope that the lads, through Accurascale, can bring more GB based modelers "into the Irish fold". It's not impossible. When I first came to Germany you could forget about getting Cheddar cheese or Irish beef here, no chance. Now these things are available in my local supermarket as stock items, thanks to marketing of course but also thanks to these products being of good quality. Irish companies have successfully pushed into this huge market. IRM can do the same in GB (and beyond hopefully) and more power to them if they can. Even here in Germany there are a select few 00 gauge modelers with nothing but high praise for the RTR products that have come out of Ireland in the last decade or so, starting with Paddy Murphy of course and more recently IRM. That's high praise as these lads are used to high quality RTR models from the established German manufacturers. PM and the IRM lads should be very proud of themselves (but not rest on their laurels until I can walk into my local German model retailer and buy a RTR model of the most obscure CIE wagon that ever there was lol).
  18. I'm looking to model LJ in the mid 90s. I know the station area under the control of the 2 signal boxes was a forest of semaphores (with two colour light signals on a streel half gantry or whatever is the proper name?) upon which there is a good thread on here but what about the mainline (Dub - Cork) either side of LJ? Was this colour lights under CTC around 1995? The Limerick - Waterford was all still semaphores at this stage, right?
  19. Maybe reach out to the current owner for any drawings they might have. I'm sure they'd be delighted to see someone modelling their station.
  20. More info here: http://dunsandlestation.blogspot.com/2004/12/history-of-dunsandle-station.html?m=1
  21. I can't help you with your question John but best of luck with your Irish layout. I'm sure one of the resident experts here will be along to help a bit later. There was a Dunsandle (note no trailing s) Station on the Loughrea branch. Maybe that's it?
  22. Those 8 cylinders really make themselves be heard over everything else. Cracking noise
  23. It's too late a era and the wrong area for me but best of luck your venture and if you ever make a 2600 Class in Arrow livery I'll be all over it!
  24. Me too. I bought two full rakes of the keg liners so I said I'd leave it with the accessories but in hindsight I'd buy a few packs.
  25. A subminiature relay is the easiest and simplest way to do this. You are directly replacing the mechanical switch on the high side of the supply (so a simple open collector transistor circuit will not work). Those little 12v relays cost €1 or so. The relay will rarely need to switch so contact burning is of no concern. I'll just use the ESU file for the 201 for the time being but I will replace the prime mover sound later with a full throttle one from a US loco with the same engine. There's one in there. I just can't remember the name of it. I'm going to try an iPhone speaker. I ordered a few.
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