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Everything posted by Railer

  1. This is all Wiki throws up on the subject: Enterprise has its own unique livery consisting of Dark Grey (NCS 8502-Y), Light Grey (NCS 5502-Y), Dark Green (NCS 9005-G20Y), Bronze strip & Enterprise logos (3M), and either Purple (NCS 5040-R40B) for Standard Class or Dark Red (NCS 4060-R10B) for First Plus. If that's of any help.
  2. Just out of interest, did the drivers also have to put the Reverser into reverse to drive cab forward and vice versa. (select forward to drive bonnet first)?
  3. In the below clip you can see Mk2s with different shade of orange on the same coach and 2 coaches with black window frames.
  4. They regularly ran bonnet first on the Barrack Street branch up until it closed. 134 even rescued a 201 on a freight, I think it was cement. 134 hauled the train with the dead 201 bonnet first, and that was in IE livery.
  5. 7601 is the EGV Carlow now 7104 7122 (the 11th coach) is used as for spare parts and held in Inchicore, still in IE livery. Last time I saw it, it was up on jacks with no bogies in Carriage Shop 2. That was about a year ago. 7104 became Kildare (don't know it's new number). It's the observation coach. 7169 became Wexford now 7102 7171 became Sligo now 7101 7137 became Kerry now 7005 7149 became Down now 7004 7129 became Waterford now 7003 7158 became Leitrim now 7002 7116 became Fermanagh now 7001 7130 became Donegal now 7110
  6. I think only a few got that mod. A few MK3 EGVs were modified so they could work with a Push Pull set without a DVT in hauled mode. I think the above light mod was part of the works.
  7. Typically 8 to 12 depending on use. Right now a rake of 7 is working the DSE line the past week. NIR hired out a rake of 16 in the past year or so. 18 is the max that can work in a rake under the 36 TEU rule exactly like the freight flats.
  8. Also 216 in Belmond livery on loan to NIR along with the wagons.
  9. The GCA Tanktainers are lovey. I asked Aran a few years ago about them and he shipped out 6 to me even though they were not listed on C-Rails site.
  10. The wagon to the left being a 47ft, was it common to mix 42s and 47s together on the keg liners?
  11. The Weedspray tanks, Water barrier wagons, Open Containter coal, Open Container beat. Recently there was even a half weedspray tank and half spoil wagon used for brake force on possibly the last Sperry train. That's what can be done but only the weedsprays are planned and left to do for IRM atm.
  12. Apparently it was a metal fatigue defect that was known about from previous exams but the problem accelerated far quicker than expected to the point of failure. I don't know how true that is but it's one of the stories going around.
  13. Makes sense to me at it was one of the 2 last examples running. Paddy Murphy had to do 124 and 134 in IE, no two ways about it. They were an iconic pair. Sure there is 2x 141s in the same livery. As delivered and as preserved condition.
  14. Railer

    rpsi B134 loco

    They can do another set with 3 standards no problem. 1514 and 1522 will most likely never happen.
  15. Looks very similar to how 124 and 134 looked before they were withdrawn. I always thought they had bent frames but clearly not as they were used on everything right up to the end.
  16. There is one up on social media dated the 2nd of July of it parked up in Inchicore. No clear signs of damage, only thing to me is that the body panel behind the No1 end cab is a bit warped.
  17. It happened 143 too. It ended up being confined to 40mph max and only shunted in Northwall Yard or Inchicore. It was painted on the cab sides similar to the air brake note painted on the 121s.
  18. Yeah, looks to be a hit and run. Maybe the loss of 224 will see it harvested enabling the return of 230 to the fleet.
  19. Anyone know what has happened to 224? No one is saying but if all the rumor and reading between the lines she now part of the orange 201 line up in Inchicore.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxyS9QXKpJ4 The youtube link above is from March 1996 and features a CIE livery Cravens in the set.
  21. There was still at least one Cravens in the CIE single with stripe livery up till 1995 and maybe into 96.
  22. What if a crowd funded expression of interest action was set up. I know crowd funding is a dirty word in the modeling world but it could get things going. Say 100 up front per model from everyone interested and the balance payed prior to delivery. Naturally nothing would happen until sufficient pre orders are committed to upfront and payed for.
  23. For me it's their running qualities that tops them off. It's also the hardest part to replicate in a possible re run IMO as you will have a different factory. For me, the 071s, while they have very good running qualities and smooth they justs aren't as buttery smooth and quiet as the BGMs.
  24. I've an IE standard 5210 that went exactly like that after a few months in the sun. It happened on the sun facing side and end only.
  25. As far as I'm aware, IRM intended to do the C class first believe it or not. I think it was was Richie telling me that the day they measured up the A class he was expecting to survey the C.
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