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Everything posted by Railer

  1. Pipeline you say....... A clue maybe. Only joking, you guys have enough coming out for the next year to ensure I never qualify for a mortgage lol.
  2. Can't see as not a member.
  3. It's old news. Those 41 coaches are options for intermediates to bring more 3ICR sets up to 4ICRs. They are still not approved for purchase and they have been talking bout them for years now. A big EMU and or combination DMU bimode order is being looked at too. The 2600s in Cork will need replacing soon along with the LHB DART units.
  4. 24583 stored at Northwall yard was set on fire this afternoon. I reckon it's gutted and will now be scrapped leave 582 as the sole survivor.
  5. When in block formation 10 was the usual limit. When they were in mixed trains you could have anywhere from 1 to 4 ferts and any combination of other wagons up to 36teu
  6. Loving that crane, guys.
  7. Think from around 1970 right up to 2002/3, open to correction. A good solid 30 years at least.
  8. Looks spot on. I remember some one on here many moons ago stating that there may be an clearance issue with bogie and drivers ladders on curves, it looks very close on a straight. I'd like to see it on a second radius just to see how the design managed it.
  9. Not to derail the thread but when NIR first got their 201s they used buckeye couplings with their Mk2 sets, this made shunt releasing at Connolly a bit more involved as the pilot loco required the buckeye dropped then raised again for the NIR 201. IE only used/use buckeye drophead coupling when the 201s were on Mk3 pushpull sets and for the CAF Mk4s. Another bit of trivia, the Irish Mk1 GSV buffers are not retractable (no need to be with suspension gangways fitted).
  10. That's my favourite livery variation, IR sans tippex. Delighted IRM are doing a few like that in the A class range.
  11. Still on the IWTs. Generally 2 42fts with 16 47fts in a rake of wagons. Still part of the former weedsprasy formation now used only as brake force in the Sperry train.
  12. Could do a retool of 071 in CIE with a 40 years of 071 service pack. Likewise of 073, IR 30 year anniversary pack. Then maybe 2 others in grey. 084 seeing as it still doesn't have all it's numbers like 088. Then another say 074 or 083 perhaps for big numbered locos. Just some blue sky thinking Anyways back to the iconic 121s.....
  13. Hopefully that will keep everything from being snapped up so fast. On the flip side one has only to look at how fast the grey 71s cleared the shops. They were made in limited numbers too and despite not being s popular livery on here they still were big hits. I suspect another run of Grey's would be they same.
  14. I'm the same, I never saw the B&Is in real life but I've ordered 2 packs of them with the lions share being the iconic Bells. A question if anyone knows, when did the Y33 bogies start appearing and did the B&I container traffic co exist with them. Fran, can we get some pictures of the flat with nothing on it to see the locking nubs for the containers, thanks.
  15. I have a new and unopened Dapol Class 68019 in TPE livery surplus to requirements. Looking to swap for DRS livery 68008 or 68034 in similar condition.
  16. Right now it's 6, but they are talking of increasing capacity on this due to demand so may go to 7.
  17. I'd say around the 250 mark. The grey 071s and NIR 111s were limited runs of about that number, I think the same with Enterprise and NIR 201s.
  18. Yes there is, it's called technical ability Plus I don't have enough to renumber and I'd love a few in the IR logo no strip livery as they ran in during the early '90s while the tippex took time to roll out.
  19. Can't have enough BGMs. I'd love another half dozen across ST,IR and IE liveries. I have plenty in B&T for my use. Maybe even a one or two with the small logo IE, and the IR logo with no tipex livery variations?
  20. Finally managed to get my hands on a lovely TPE 68 after almost missing the boat. Thanks to Accurascale practically all the stock of TPE 68s in 00 are gone from all suppliers. I may end up with 2 with any luck as I'm locked in a bid with another flea bay until someone out does me. Can't wait for the Mk5 sets to release now.
  21. The wagon shows 25127 on both sides Dave. 25178 was part of pack D. I pointed this error out to the lads before release on here but looks like the box was never corrected.
  22. Have a pack here for sale if still interested. €125. Sold;
  23. Have a duplicate Pack A for sale, €125.
  24. Really loving that TPE 68. Also really partial to the two tone green 47 and GBRf 50 if any Accurascale sales are looking.....
  25. Some of the sad part is from what I can see on RM web. The amount that got burned with the DJM 92 and are afraid to take a punt on the Accurascale 92, asking if they are crowdfunding too. Alot of them are presently surprised too that it's actually got to tooling because of the shinanigans of others. They're finally starting to appreciate the Accurascale brand and business model.
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