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Phil3150 last won the day on December 29 2019

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  1. I'm certainly interested in one pair Phil
  2. The photo at the top of this thread is of Simon de Souza's scratch built model. I have also scratch built 12L as pictured Phil
  3. So where would these suburban coaches have been running in 1967 please?
  4. I believe Flintfields now resides somewhere in the UK
  5. I'm certainly not complaining about the price - they are excellent value - it's simply that I don't need three of each. I'll certainly look into the Swapmeet possibilites.
  6. This is so frustrating. I am collecting bits and pieces for what I have dubbed my "retirement home layout". Hopefully its many years away but it will be a micro layout and I would love one of these, a corrugated open or two and maybe a flat but I will not need or have space for sets of three of each. If only there was a mix-and-match method of buying them ..................
  7. I got some transfers from him last month - no problem
  8. Broken wheel x 2 for me please, Leslie.
  9. Looking good Mayner. It looks like the Bawnboy Road version will look something like yours. It needs some detailing before being paired with one of Simon de Souza's chassis. Phil
  10. It ages us, but my wife had just started working at Marshalls of Cambridge when the first RAF Hercules arrived for fitting out in 1966 before entering service. She still calls them 'her' planes.
  11. Colin, 4T is a joint project with a friend to produce an engine for my own layout. Neither of us has any wish to go ‘commercial’. The chassis is continuously sprung and with a bespoke gearbox. Virtually every bought-in component has been altered in some way. Preparing instructions doesn’t bear thinking about!! Maybe at some future time we could make the drawings available but I wouldn’t want to be building it blind from a kit of parts. Back then I was referring to the C&L wagon chassis. They are definitely available as I bought some from Nev a while back along with a passenger brake van kit.
  12. Goodness, is it really 18 months since I got those etches. Well, 4T is getting close to the paint shop with just a few more bits to attach - bells and whistles? Once this, and the two 4-4-0's, are finished I really must concentrate on building a layout for them to run on.
  13. There's not a lot of grey paint left on that!
  14. There's masses of Irish photographs from this seller https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/tony7811blue?_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2559 Phil
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