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Everything posted by leslie10646

  1. Ah yes, Darius, I have to differentiate between the two of them when I'm searching Realtimetrains to see what's happening and if it's worth the £4.40 car parking to go and see. That said, the platforms are safer to walk on than our local ploughed up pavements
  2. At last I have made a little progress with my Wordpress Site. Nothing to get too excited about - FOUR pages with two pictures of wagons, but at least it now answers to - provincialwagons.com and the contacts bit gives my e-mail address. More pages up next week after I've finished dog-sitting!
  3. For the Canarian Container Man - On man driving thirty plus artics and even has time to beep us! Very windy day - sorry! Containers.mov
  4. ACCURASCALE wagons seen at Goring! The things people will do for publicity? Hauled by 59.309 from Crewe to Arlington works at Eastleigh!
  5. A bit like this? It is a PP and the examples of these LNWR coaches were bought by the GNR.
  6. Rhubarb, JB! Take a look at this sister after a couple of years. March 1963. Almost like new! Lance King 23 March 1963 Copyright IRRS
  7. Ah yes, there are two or three books "above my head" as I sit here - on the book shelves - which came from there. Certainly my original GNR book and Ahrons. However, very few Irish books had been published by February 1967 when I went into weeping exile.
  8. And now for another meeting! READING Berks on Wednesday, 22nd. For any Irish railway enthusiasts who live in the Thames Valley within travelling distance of Reading, IRRS London Area committee member Leslie McAllister is repeating his talk “With Lance King in Ulster – The Great Northern” to the Reading Transport Group on Wednesday 22 March at 1945. The meeting will be held on the first floor of Church House, Church Street, Caversham next to Waitrose. Walking distance of Reading station. For Satnavs the address is Church House, 59 Church Street, Caversham, Reading RG4 8AX. In my, not humble opinion, the best of Lance's work with all those lovely Blue engines, mahogany coaches ...... It would be great to see any of you there. Leslie
  9. Three of my wagons on sale on eBay. Reasonable starting price. I was even tempted by the UTA wagon myself, as I think I left myself with just one! https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?item=234933796924&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2562&_ssn=wagonmaniac While I'm posting, I noted that the 00 Works GNR U Class went for double what it cost the original buyer. I knew I should have bought ten UGs!
  10. Thanks for letting us all see what goes on at this exhibition (which I've never attended - it's the other side of London, for goodness sake!) - but remarkable layouts. I had half an excuse this time - a talk on Friday and watching Ireland yesterday! Glad that you met the two Davids!
  11. ZOOM LINK for Friday's meeting Click here to join Meeting or open the Zoom app on your device and enter : Meeting ID: 822 0522 0061 Passcode: 110028
  12. Great stuff, young man and with a decided IRISH Angle. Sir John Aspinall, sometime CME and then General Manager of the Lancs and Yorks did his time at INCHICORE and lefy his mark on the Irish locomotive scene.
  13. Thanks, Patrick, even more so as your H Vans are the first I've seen with the Builder's Plate in place. I added them to the kit as an afterthought, when I realised that Steve at Railtec could do them. To any of you who have my H vans, but didn't get the Builder's Plate transfers, see me at Bangor and I'll see if I can match your van number with the stock of them which I have left - no charge
  14. This Friday, St Pat's Day, I'm presenting about 180 of Lance King's slides under the title - "On Tour in Ireland with Lance King". It is heavily skewed to the famous 1961 All-Ireland tour (100 slides) after which Lance launched the IRRS's London Area. There's even a (single) photo of an 800 in action! I'll post the Zoom details when I know them. Early evening, so an early dinner for all! Everyone welcome. Leslie
  15. Thanks, Ernie re the photographer's name. I must ask another member of the party if he was one of them! Sorry, that's the one kit I am definitely out of. I have Michael working on a big order, but the SLNCR may have to wait until May (ie after Bangor).
  16. Good morning Ernie. I think that your photographer was part of the LCGB group led by Lance King in June 1957. His shots were taken further out, in fact I'll be showing them at a talk this afternoon! I know this because the first two coaches are in blue and cream.The loco is No.209 "Foyle". Taken on 10 June 1957 (my 11th birthday!). An earlier photo at Strabane was also taken by the same gent - Lance took the scene from the other side! Thanks for sharing these so generously.
  17. Good morning David, glad to see you on the site again! Your cattle wagon raises a different query. The lower planks look decidedly lime-washed - I thought that had gone out by the time the MAK turned up? Over to you Achill John?
  18. Yep, just lovely Alan. I loved the wagon rake too - but then I would say that? Have you got my EDSS Co wagons as well? If not, PM me and I'll see if there's a spare one in the "Family" box at "Pettigo Fair".
  19. Why pay £495 if you're in UK.It seems to be out every day of the year on trains at GROSSLY inflated prices, so you can just go and look at it go by - it LOOKS a lot better than it GOES!!!! I think my antipathy for this loco is well known - Alan Pegler (a lovely man who bought the Festiniog Railway) bought THE WRONG ENGINE! He should have bought "Papyrus" No.2750, which did 108mph - the first authenticated "ton" with a steam loco - but of course, he was buying the NAME and, to be fair, it was HIS MONEY! As Horsetan says, Marklin are a fairly mad bunch with their stud contact. Gripe over .......
  20. No, no, no, you MUSTN"T use Bush for mixing with honey and lemon (my fault, I spelt the generic word wrongly in my post from Erfurt). Use that Scottish apology for spirits, IRISH Whiskey is too good to mix up for medicine! I'm back in Brexitland, and sitting patiently waiting for the announcement - hurry up because this seat's uncomfortable!
  21. Get well card for Fran. Erfurt to-day. Sunny but VERY cold. Nice noisy engine! Enjoy! Fran, I recommend whiskey and lemon and honey in hot water. GWS Leslie
  22. Have to agree with Patrick - the little tank looks splendid. Can we have a tutorial on how you did i? The diesel from Judith’s kit looks good. I own a kit of it as well and must beat up someone who promised to build it. a superb piece of modelling from end tend.
  23. Trying to keep calm until tomorrow’, so I’ve taken myself to Thuringen to forget about IRM announcements! I’ll be behind a 2-8-2 when the Balloon goes up! Hope they announce everything on the suggestions listed in the previous 7 pages of this thread. Greetings from Meiningen. Leslie
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