A bit more work on rolling the cab roof eaves has been reasonably successful, and they now look like this:
The whole point is to get the roof profile to match that of the cab front, which is why I said earlier that the thing wasn't as easy as it looked!
We are almost ready to start soldering the cab and splashers to the footplate, so that means the central section carrying the nameplates can be sawn out. The instructions say that on the inner rims of the footplate have half-etched "ledges" for the cab and splashers to sit on, and they are visible in this shot:
You'll also spot that the right-hand/offside "ledge" is far better defined than the nearside one, which doesn't give enough room for the nearside splashers to rest on. This is likely to be a flaw in the etching process, which allowed one side to be more exposed than the other. The original artwork should have both sides equal - perhaps Des / Weshty can confirm that the artwork he inherited does in fact look that way?
Here we are for tonight, and it's begining to look a bit more like no.171 in the Erecting Shop: