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Everything posted by Portoman

  1. Top notch, fab layout
  2. a 121 or A class and only if Paddy Murphy was involved. I wouldn't be interested in the other company. It would be a slap in the face for Paddy after all MM have done for Irish modelling.
  3. Finally the launch of my layout.Based on nowhere and running anything.My engines are all MM but most of my fleet is u.k stock but I will try irishise them. It is a work in progress.Have most of the track laid but fine tweaking it especially the wiring. At the moment all points are hand operated until I figure out the wiring. Little or no scenery down until I'm happy with layout. With all the other great layouts seen here, its a hard act to follow. Its taken me nearly 35 yrs to get this far. I have it the attic which is'nt ideal. I'd love a man shed !! Attic is not ideal as I have a chimney in the middle and have those roof supports also in the way so can't see half the layout at any one time. I have a little video which isn't up to much. Did it to see if I could post it here so apologies and will try a better one soon.[video=youtube_share;DVMJQhqi944] ...Dave
  4. What running numbers are they. I'll be interested in 2 of them. Where are you based ?
  5. Best of luck with the kits. Are they card kits ? Dave
  6. Unfortunately as Blaine mentioned 85 didn't make it. 074 brought the train into Howth. 461 finished the job off -Here is a pic
  7. I believe all seats are sold out.
  8. THE Railway Preservation Society of Ireland (RPSI) operates preserved steam trains all over the island of Ireland. Founded 50 years ago, as part of its annual May three-day steam hauled rail tour, it is planned that former GNR(I) steam locomotive No. 85 'Merlin' (built 1932) and former GSR steam locomotive 461 (built 1921) will visit Howth on Saturday, May 17. No. 85 will bring the train of 1960s vintage carriages from Connolly Station to Howth where it is due to arrive at 10.15am. Locomotive 461 will follow and haul the train from Howth to Wicklow at 10.40am. Locomotive 461 visited Howth in 2012, the first steam locomotive to do so since the DART electric trains began operating in 1984. The next day steam train will travel from Dublin to Kilkenny and back with GNR locomotive 85, and on Monday, May 19, it will travel from Connolly Station at 11.15am to Belfast, also with steam loco 85 'Merlin'. Worth a look !!
  9. Deepest sympathy for your loss. Sad time
  10. Great work Dave, very neat and tidy unlike mine at the moment - like the control panel as well. well done -cant wait to see the finish
  11. Excellent work - its like a time capsule in miniature -love the garage scene
  12. This layout justs gets better and better . Make me mad jealous. Also well done Ritchie ! Fits in brilliantly
  13. Great stuff Dave. Where does one get a negative ion generator ?
  14. Looks like Wrenn mugged Santa on his way to the rest of us !!! Happy Christmas
  15. Portoman


    The 141 chip I was going to try is one I got from you Seamus and it works fine in 141's
  16. Portoman


    By decoder do you mean chip ? It is Murphy one and I'm using NCE power cab -setting short add to 3 and long address to number of model 073
  17. Portoman


    In relation to 071 chip - are they the same chip that 141/181 use or are they completely different ? Im trying to get an 071 to work and Im having probs. Don't know if its dodgy chip so I was going to try a 141 chip to check. The 3 dip swithes are for lights only or are they to change to DC running. Thank guys. Dave
  18. I was a postie in the 70's and the uniform then was black with silver buttons. On the sleeves,there was a thin green band around wrist. The hat also had thin green band around it. The uniform was similar to CIE's because I used to get free rides on bus and train as they thought I was one of them.
  19. Tried it again and it stills looks like old site
  20. Sorry to hear that Fitz , hope things improve for you and good luck with sale ! Dave
  21. They look the biz Any idea of price ?
  22. For those who collect buses or want to add some to their layouts eHattons have some great deals on Irish buses-only £12 & £15 . They are http://www.ehattons.com/StockDetail.aspx?SID=24569&utm_source=AdHocNewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20130920 You will see link to two other Dublin buses on bottom of that page !! Dave
  23. Well done Brian -they look great ! What price will they be ? Dave
  24. Great video -would love to see more. It would be interesting to see an updated version. Even though its only around 30 yrs ago, it looks primitive in places, like the control centre. I love your man giving hot box location !! Thanks for posting. Dave
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