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Everything posted by Portoman

  1. Drop a line to Fitguttentite -he moved from 00 to N recently . Dave
  2. As a relative newbie to the hobby,I have great admiration for you guys on the forum. Your depth of knowledge and skills for railways and modelling is inspiring. However I would hate to see the passion clould discussion. I know there is no animosity meant to anybody by what has been said.We're a small fish in a big pond. Its only the last few years since anything resembling irish stock has been available and its only because you guys demanded it and the likes of Paddy Murphy responded, More people are now getting on board,some may need tweeking with design and price but at least its a start. Keep it up and may the hobby continue to grow.
  3. Article in online Daily Mail about model railway. Bloke is right, I'd be dammed if that happened to me ! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324953/End-line-model-railway-fan-housing-association-demands-dismantle-10-000-train-set-attic-health-safety-grounds.html
  4. If your stuck for some locos or wagons to run , I'm sure we could rustle up some between us all !!!
  5. All I can say is wow !! Looks better than the real bridge . Excellent work:cheers:
  6. Portoman

    New Arrival

    Congratulations to both of you. Orla is a lovely name. Same as my good missus
  7. Second one works. Thanks Noel. Good luck with page.
  8. Doesn't work for me . Just end up in my home page. Am I doing it wrong ?
  9. Excellent as usual. The backdrops give a sense of depth - where did you get them ? Dave
  10. Welcome to the site Ben. I have a similar set and I got this info from the Guru Mr Bracken (wrenneire) who has every set set known to man -- - Lima decided to enter the British OO market in 1973 because of the relative success of their N Gauge models. Unfortunately the Lima equivalent of OO was HO and to this effect the Lima models were smaller than the available British OO. By 1977 they had stopped producing British HO and were producing OO instead. This was a trying time for Lima and to keep the market supplied with their HO products they took to producing British models by repainting and reliverying continental outline wagons coaches and locos. Needless to say they did not sell very well and by 1977 they had a completely new production of OO in proper British outline available. The Irish HO range again include British outline models repainted into Irish liveries Black 4F running number 628 & Flying Snail Logo Lima ref 1707, This loco came both individually boxed and as part of a set with 3 coaches. Green Mk 1 Corridor Composite coach, Flying Snail Livery. Ref 2126T 8015 Cl 33 Orange & Black Colour, and again this loco came both individually boxed and as part of a set with 3 9144 Mk 2 coaches, "Supertrain Set" Hope this is ok !
  11. Hornby used the station in their track plan book 70/80's
  12. Just noticed Kevrails post and I presume Grange;s photo is the same bus - oops!!
  13. I've seen this from Hattons as well Oxford Diecast 76FT009 Ford Transit LWB High Bus Eireann : http://www.ehattons.com/StockDetail.aspx?SID=60476 for €4 and a Oxford Diecast 76IRZ001 Scania Irizar PB Eireann €15 - http://www.ehattons.com/StockDetail.aspx?SID=60477. They dont have photos. Good price.--- Dave
  14. I think this subject should be laid to rest now !!
  15. A shed to beat all sheds !! Stunningly stunning -All the sheds in the pictures !! Too say I'm jealous would be putting it mildly !
  16. Portoman

    BBC4 Wed 9 P.M

    There's a program which may be interesting on BBC 4 Wed night 9 p.m called The Joy of (train) sets, The Model Railway Story .May be worth a look !!
  17. Happy New Year everybody !!!!!
  18. Looks great but would speed affect stability ?
  19. Portoman

    Family bereavement .

    My deepest sympathy to you Anthony and your family at this sad time.
  20. Merry Christmas everybody !!!!
  21. Would paint stripper be too severe or less ,rather than use brake fluid?
  22. I
  23. Hi, Just posting some images of my proposed new layout. i'm a slow mover so you'll have to bear with me .I;ve been planning to have a layout for nigh on 30 yrs but between discovering girls and work and other hobbies it never materialised. Finally I decided to start, it will not based on anywhere or any era.I would love to have an all Irish layout but as you'll see I have amassed a fair ammount of British Rail gear. I have my 3 little babies (192,142,161). I was hoping yer man with the red hat and white beard would bring their big brother this xmas -a lovely orange 071. By all accounts it may not happen till Jan . I hope to run this as DCC.I have just laid out the track roughly to see what it looks like and what I need. No doubt I will be asking for advise as I progress. I've a long way to go.The layout is around 15 x9x10. My buildings are Metcaffe-more to finish. I would love to have have them all Glendergs- The Master of Miniature Buildings. If I'd only known before. Onwards and upwards....Dave
  24. Like the others have said -good to hear your ok-Take it easy !
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