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Rush and Lusk

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Rush and Lusk last won the day on April 2 2023

Rush and Lusk had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    South Dublin - (originally North County Dublin, relocated through marriage ! )


  • Biography
    Lifetime in the broad business sector & Government.


  • Interests
    Travel, Cars, Sport, Gardening, Trains, Craic !


  • Occupation
    Semi-Retired - making the most of this trip !

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  1. This looks very interesting Jonathan, my "home Line" - I plan to attend, its in my diary. George
  2. Fabulous modelling Andreas - looks amazing, especially being an outdoors layout - well done. George
  3. Hi Derek, great minds indeed - we both like that very natural scene, I plan to use another version of it again as its an activity most people can relate to. Thats a very nice looking layout of yours !. Thanks, George
  4. Thank you all very much , Regards, George
  5. Just to add to the many other very satisfied customers of the recently received, Corrugated Open Wagons - wonderful details, surprising weight and smooth running - congratulations IRM, - George A Class, 39r outward bound and later return, hauling short rake of wagons on this sunny evening, as the farmers move their fattening stock before the weather turns tomorrow !
  6. Hello Davenport, Firstly, any layout is a good layout !, so enjoy the experience, learning & fun (plus occasional frustration at times). From my own experience, I put far too much in to my first layout, learnt from that over ambition, which takes me to my second observation, 'less is more" - consider perhaps one less main line. Next consider how many sidings do you need, perhaps just one set rather than the two showing ?. Also consider the space remaining for scenics, and what type of scenic settings are you going for ? - Metcalfe card builds for example are relatively inexpensive, enjoyable to build, but even so, take up quite an amount of space, you will also need roads in/out for the freight trucks, an open yard for container storage and loading equipment/vehicles etc. Hope these few observations are of some help. You are off to a great start - enjoy the adventure.
  7. This is truly breathtaking modelling Alan - the remarkable attention to endless details is remarkable. Whilst most of us may never achieve these standards, it is nonetheless inspiring, encouraging and of course entertaining. Fabulous. George
  8. Fabulous video clips from this most magnificent set of models - well done as always Jonathan
  9. Super work - really works with that back-scene.
  10. Super Aircraft - and as for those lovely buses !
  11. Fabulous modelling Kevin, envious of your talent - Bray Town Hall is a most impressive building, always admired it, rather untypically Irish, but very attractive.
  12. Another fabulous show by the truly lovely folks at Wexford Model Railway Club - I traveled down from Dublin on sunny Sunday morning at a relaxed pace on undoubtedly the most scenic motorway journey in the country, fortified by a tasty sandwich and tea in the Station Cafe, out to meet welcoming, knowledgeable and fun people for the afternoon - from super layout hosts to a Donegal YouTube'r to IRM front man Fran etc. Now one of my very favourite annual events. Well done to all at WMRC. George
  13. Great, intriguing, news BosKonay - I will certainly be at Wexford Show, a super friendly and enjoyable event.
  14. Great news Irishrailwayman, fantastic pictures & layout - I looked on your club website yesterday and couldn't see any reference ?. I will definitely be there, probably Sunday. One of my very favourite shows.
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