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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Kirley

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Not yet Gareth, I'm finishing off an A Class and want to get it out of the way before starting on the Sulzer. Also it would be good to hear if there any construction difficulties from others but according to Weshty it is a straight forward kit to build.
  2. Finally got round to putting lights onto my A Class. I used Micro LEDs from Express Models for the Marker Lights. The LEDs are connected by very thin wire with a plastic coating and have a mind of their own. The Headlights are white 3 mm LED’s. Because of so many LED’s I used a piece of plastic card to mount all 8 resistors. When I first tested the lights with a 9v battery only the white lights worked so I tried it on AC and all lit up like a Christmas tree, (the red must need more power). You can see all the gaps where the lights meet the Loco body so I need to cover them and paint the covering silver to stop leakage as suggested by Killucan2. Next is the routing all the wires out of the way of the chassis and motor. But I’m pleased to get this far with everything working.
  3. If you phone round a few they should tell you if they don't do it who in the area does
  4. Patrick you are a man after my own heart, but since I got the modelling bug the vinyl has taken a back seat which is just as well as I was running out of room to store it.
  5. Kevin I use an Airbrush, if you want to use aerosols go to a good Motor Factor and they should be able to mix any colour and give it to you in a spray can.
  6. Kirley

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Package arrived yesterday Des but unfortunately Santa’s little helper got to it first so I’ll have to wait until Christmas Day to get my hands on it.
  7. In 2001 eight mark 2F carriages were sold to Northern Ireland Railways for further use as locomotive-hauled stock in combination with the 111 Class locomotive, and renumbered 8941 to 8948. • 72605 (ex 488305) - renumbered 8943 • 72609 (ex 488305) - renumbered 8944 • 72626 (ex 488314) - renumbered 8945 • 72627 (ex 488314) - renumbered 8946 • 72634 (ex 488318) - renumbered 8941 • 72637 (ex 488318) - renumbered 8942 • 72646 (ex 488319) - renumbered 8947 • 72647 (ex 488319) - renumbered 8948 See pictures here or if you Google NIR Gatwick you'll get lots http://www.railfaneurope.net/pix/ie/car/NIR/pix.html
  8. For me a lot of the back scenes on sale just look back scenes. I go for ones that you can merge from the layout into the distance giving you that crucial depth of field. I got mine from International Modellers but I think the real secret is disguising the join from layout to back scene. As Rob says the height is only relative to how high up your backdrop you want to go.
  9. Is there any particular supplier you would recommend for your LED strips & bulbs?
  10. Very organised Patrick, lighting, control panel, back drop already in place before you start. I couldn’t help noticing the nice stack of vinyl on the floor.
  11. I am using CIE Golden Brown, see here for Irish Rail paints http://www.phoenix-paints.co.uk/precision-paints/railway-colours/irish-railway-colours-1.html
  12. Hi Rob, There are others on this site that are more experienced and competent than I but will give you my thoughts: Using etched sides is the easiest area to start modelling outside RTR. Having the correct tools makes the task more straight forward, so an assortment of drills, files, cutting knifes + a plentiful supply of blades, razor saw, epoxy glue, fillers are the main ones you will need. I think it is essential to have good pictures of the real thing, it make it so much easier to have something to check with. Great pictures on this site of the Mk3 EGV I put the etched side against the stripped down doner coach and mark with felt pen the new windows. Then it is a matter of cutting them out, sticking the etched sides to the coach and follow the instructions on drilling holes for hand rails etc. On the EGV the roof details is good on the SSM kit and it’s a matter of drilling and cutting holes in the roof and cutting the roof ridges to fit on the lifting panel etches. I started on etched kits and each one you do is better than the last so the only way is to have a go. Any mistakes can be covered by fillers and when it is painted and decals added only you will notice where they are. So have a go, the hardest thing for me was cutting into a good coach, after that it was straight forward. PM me if you come across any difficulty.
  13. Currently working on a Supertrain rake to go with my A Class and 071 when ever it arrives. First time using Hornby Mk 3’s, on the previous rake I used Lima and you didn’t have the problem in having to masking all the windows. I’m also using Weshty’s EGV kit for the first time. Nice to have the roof detail rather than making your own and little things like the sunken steps below the middle doors and the fuel filler caps. Des supplies thick wire for the door stoppers but I found difficulty in cutting them. The majority disappeared across the room never to be found during the making of the model. I ended up using Evergreen tubing, a lot easier to cut and retain.
  14. Just finished, if you ever are, another scenic section. This time I wanted to do a farm scene and I squeezed one in alongside the main railway line. There's Eamonn after delivering the Christmas mail You note the Trains don't faze the cattle, they are well used to them passing, but give them an interested stare. Corrigated Iron Sheets come in very useful to plug the gaps in the hedge. The selection of farm animals available is very limited (can’t get a Mullingar Heifer for love or money) but with the help of paint brush there’s not a Frisian in sight. I was able to use some more of Weshty’s gates, I really like them but they are very fiddly especially when you model them to open and close. It’s amazing the time it takes just to do this small section trying to encapsulate the “feel” of the farmyard, if anything it’s probably too clean.
  15. There's just something about a steam train going over a viaduct.... It will just get better and better.
  16. Looking good Stephen, your long shots make it look very realistic. The Driving Trailer!, is that the one NIR bought but never used??
  17. Kirley

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Counting the days
  18. Thanks Dave
  19. Very impressive work
  20. Welcome on board Colm, now that you have Bleach Green finished you maybe have time to look around you, certainly your knowledge and expertise will be very welcome here if you care to impart it.
  21. Kirley

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Thanks for the update Des
  22. I am looking for help on how to wire a micro switch for my lifting bridge. My switch has 3 terminals 1. Is common and connected to one of the bus wires. 2. The other two terminals are classed as normally open terminal (NO) and normally closed (NC) terminal. Do I wire the other bus wire to the normally closed (NC) terminal thus only providing power when the bridge is in the down position?
  23. 12 Dec 2012 Adelaide Traincare Depot opening featuring Steam Loco 186 taking VIP's and passengers to the depot:
  24. Great to see these very distinctive Irish wagons are available again after MRI retired from the modelling scene. I have been told the heavy weight of the MRI wagons was the one drawback of their models and I was wondering if IFM (Irish Freight Models) have overcome this on their models.
  25. Welcome to the Site Kevin, good to see yet another County Down member. From your pictures I get the impression that building and lighting is your special interest and you like to "set scenes". Let us know how you did your lighting please and keep the pictures coming.
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